We better have OXYGEN tanks/Masks!

I can guarantee one thing-if we lose in the 4th qt. a lot will be said about the altitude,prep,etc.If we win ,not much will be said.
-"Let the games begin"
Originally posted by BeerNutts:
Gnome, the only way it'd be even possible for them to get "acclimated" in one practice would be to make the run hard. Obviously, the day before the game you don't want to run anyone hard. Full body recovery takes 48 hours. Thank about these things before sounding ignorant. Sounds like your TRYING to find things to complain about Gailey, not matter the severity. Gimme a break.[/QB]
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Either way, why not get there as early as possible? As stupid as it sounds, travelling across the country can be tiring. I would think they would want the kids to get out there and adjust as much as the NCAA allows them.

PS - I am not on the anti-Chan bandwagon, I just don't understand our reasoning here.
I can only imagine what it must've been like for Eddie Lee back in '78 in Colorado (Air Force). Running for 356 yds, breathing icicles(20F/20mph wind), in rarefied air (7163'elev) and being physically ill. I'm assuming they had triage units on the sidelines.
like BeeStorm said .. it's probably only "name calling" if it's not true. if it is true .. it's only calling a spade a spade.

anyone who questions Bilbo's leadership qualities .. hell leave questioning alone .. anyone who states that Bilbo doesn't have leadership qualities .. is a loser.

Originally posted by the cynical gnome:

I dont think Bilbo was a leader at all as he kept struggling
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">here's the link if you want to follow it:

LINK: Gnome knows a thing or two about leadership qualities

which leader has not struggled?

i am glad that he is using humor, albeit cynical, in order to get through his day.
I don't think today's travel will affect Tech negatively in any way. They'd have to be there for more than a week to really feel acclimated, which obviously would never happen.

The athletes have trained and prepared well, so it's a matter of execution at this point.

I expect great things tomorrow night!
Originally posted by Sting_Man:
I don't think today's travel will affect Tech negatively in any way. They'd have to be there for more than a week to really feel acclimated, which obviously would never happen.

The athletes have trained and prepared well, so it's a matter of execution at this point.

I expect great things tomorrow night!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">While I still think we're going to win tomorrow night, this just doesn't make sense. Why not use the extra day when you have it? It's obviously not that big of a deal, but seems like we need every advantage we can get...
For those of you saying that we should go out a day early to get "acclimated" -- there were a couple of posts (maybe on the "other" board) that addressed that. One was by a BYU fan IIRC. Both said that if you can't get out there about 2-3 weeks early, you are better off going the day before. The affect really kicks in around the 3-4 day. I'm not an expert, but that's what they said.

Also, I was stationed in Ogden, Utah for 2 years and I never noticed much difference. I don't expect it to be a factor until maybe the 4th quarter. I think it would be a good idea to have oxygen on sidelines. But...Gailey not only coached at Denver but also with the AF Academy. He ought to know what he's doing.
Well, the other thing to consider is that the more time the team is there, the greater the chance for a disiplinary issue to arise. Granted, Provo isn't exactly a rockin' town, but it still is a college town and things happen that could cause our players to lose focus. It's true the added time would allow the players to get accustomed to the setting and environment, but I think there are just as many distractions to deal with too. BYU isn't the only college in that area. There's another school, Utah Valley State College which has more than 20,000 students attending as well (BYU has approx. 30,000 students). So, it's very much a college town/atmosphere. The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think Chan made a good decision.
Bobby Dodd back in the 50's used 02 even in Atlanta. I always felt that gave Tech some what of an advantage.