"We can't compete with Clemson"

Great stuff, coit, appreicate you doing the research.

Lazy question - is there a similar source for AA expenditures by school?
Great stuff, coit, appreicate you doing the research.

Lazy question - is there a similar source for AA expenditures by school?

The link has the expenses as well. I'll add them.
How do our expenses compare? I bet a much larger slice of our pie is paying for the bullshit stadium expansion and coaches not to coach. If we were not paying for that maybe we could afford more assistants and lazy rivers around Ferst Drive.
1) Definitely need the student athletic fee

2) What is making up our facilities/overhead number? Paying out the butt for that. Probably should fire some non-essential staff.

3) We are not paying enough in "Other." Clearly this is where the 5 star recruits come from. Need to double our spend in "Other."

4) Where are the Hewitt and Gregory buyouts allocated?
How do our expenses compare? I bet a much larger slice of our pie is paying for the bullshit stadium expansion and coaches not to coach. If we were not paying for that maybe we could afford more assistants and lazy rivers around Ferst Drive.

Expenses are in the details tab.
If Hewitt were to unexpectedly, and due to natural causes, die, would we still have to pay his family the amount in the contract?
Clemson fields Men's and Women's Soccer, but does not field Softball, according to the NCAA website. So their expenses should be at least marginally higher than ours.

Eh, the list is missing tennis and maybe some other sports as well. Not sure what the NCAA includes on their list.
Expenses are in the details tab.

Their ticket sales blow ours out of the water. Our 5 million in student fees of which they have zero doesn't even come close to making the difference. Another question, what are we filing under "other" as far as revenues? We're also paying many times what they are for facilities and overhead, despite it being widely acknowledged that they have state of the conference facilities and we do not. The bottom line says we're $6 million per year behind, and that may not look like much, but that's much, and it would also seem we're not using it nearly as effectively as they are.

I also find myself wondering if former coaches buyouts are reported under our coaching and staff expenses, where we're 8 whole million behind.

This is just not a picture of competition, IMO.
Why don't we sell the stadium name to Coca Cola or something. Or Mercedes or Verizon or someone who likes to buy stadium names. Mercedes Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Coca-Cola Grant Field.

MBDS@HCCGF has a nice ring to it.
On a similar note: earlier this year, SBNation posted (link) a chart showing a qualitative "wins per dollar". We right above the average. FWIW, Clemson is as well, but with more success and more expenditures.

Their ticket sales blow ours out of the water. Our 5 million in student fees of which they have zero doesn't even come close to making the difference. Another question, what are we filing under "other" as far as revenues? We're also paying many times what they are for facilities and overhead, despite it being widely acknowledged that they have state of the conference facilities and we do not. The bottom line says we're $6 million per year behind, and that may not look like much, but that's much, and it would also seem we're not using it nearly as effectively as they are.

I also find myself wondering if former coaches buyouts are reported under our coaching and staff expenses, where we're 8 whole million behind.

This is just not a picture of competition, IMO.

I assume our fired coaches are in the Overhead category. Wouldn't make sense for them to be in the Coaches category, given that our salaries are lower than Clemson's by a large margin.

Of course their ticket sales are going to be higher. But we should be able to match or exceed their donations if done well I would think.
Cap-Ex and requisite donations for Cap-ex do not appear to be in the accounting... This is where the arms race is really happening and it is where we're losing... Notwithstanding, $6mm in annual spending is a lot of money...
Based on the information presented above, is it safer to say that we have a less-than-optimal allocation of the financial resources available to us? I may have answered my own question in light of buyouts to Hewitt/Gregory, but I wonder if there is more.