We don't have a single win over uga in any sport in 2017

BS, it is an excuse. You guys are engineers. Attack the damn problem like an engineer and come up with solutions instead of weak excuses.

So the BOR is stacked with UGA people? Then somebody with a GT degree needs to run for freaking governor and then stack the BOR with his appointees. Or get some serious GT heavy hitters to start putting political pressure to get GT people on the BOR. Believe it or not but $$ trumps college allegiances in these types of matters.

Who are "you guys"? Are you not a Tech fan?

I don't think you understand the full context, and that's okay. This is a much larger conversation, but I'll say at least this much - what you propose sounds great, but there has to be a person/people who actually wants to run for governor, clamor political pressure, etc. We also don't have a law school = not producing lawyers = less Tech politicians in the state govt.
We lost last night because we got outplayed, start to finish. Clearly something is going on with this team right now. No hustle, no aggressive defensive play. We don't even attempt to deny their players the ball. Hope there isn't some bad news looming regarding the investigation into the stalker.

Maybe all our teams are complacent in shitting the bed against their "archrival" since we got fans like you and JF77 who think any comment or criticism is whining and that we should be happy that we even field a team.
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As for MBB, has not CJP said for months that we may end up being a better team with a worse record compared to last year?

Now, if we are playing like this in 10 years from now, with CJP as HC and a 10 year asst. coach still on staff teaching players to tie the opponents shoe laces together instead of how to shoot - we may have a problem.
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I said over on the basketball page that, with the luck we're having this year, at any minute I fully expect to hear that the BoR will be announcing the consolidation the Schools of Engineering and moving everyone and thing to Athens!
You have to stop caring, like our Administration has. It gets easier the longer you dont care.
Who are "you guys"? Are you not a Tech fan?

I don't think you understand the full context, and that's okay. This is a much larger conversation, but I'll say at least this much - what you propose sounds great, but there has to be a person/people who actually wants to run for governor, clamor political pressure, etc. We also don't have a law school = not producing lawyers = less Tech politicians in the state govt.
I am a Tech fan but not a Tech grad. Thus, I would change a whole lot of shit because I don't have to worry about the senseless argument that it would 'cheapen my degree'.
And while Tech has no law school, there are certainly some lawyers who graduated from GT...an example of which would be the guy who bought the 222-0 game ball for something like $45K and donated it back to the Tech athletic department. But one doesn't have to be a lawyer to become a politician. It just has to become a measured approach.
You have to stop caring, like our Administration has. It gets easier the longer you dont care.

No öööö that. The reason we are here is because people stopped caring. Complacency in mediocrity. Fans don't care, team doesn't care, nobody f'ing cares. Then why put up with the charade?