What does CPJ have to do to keep his job?

Afraid he can do no wrong and hope that is the case but it appears that we as fans or content with 7-5,win over ga every six or so years and a low bowl.Oh yes we lead the league in rushing vs the little lads but we dont measure up well with the big uns.I think after his last contract we will be with him until contract runs out........doubt we buy him out regardless of the won loss record.
.Oh yes we lead the league in rushing vs the little lads but we dont measure up well with the big uns..


7-12 vs top 25 at the time of this image.


Only 5 coaches in the country posted better than 0.500.
12 coaches at .500 or better. Johnson comes in at #25 of 59 coaches who have coached against at least 1 top 25 team, in win pct. That is at their current schools.
There are very very few coaches in the NFL or CFB that will win 9 games here two seasons in a row, and yet you think this standard is required to save him!? LMFAO
He must win 8 or 7 with a win over UGAG, or I think he may be gone.

7-12 vs top 25 at the time of this image.


Only 5 coaches in the country posted better than 0.500.[/QUO

7-12 vs top 25 at the time of this image.


Only 5 coaches in the country posted better than 0.500.
I apologize I meant the big teams like Miami,VT,Ga,Clemson .....which is 11-22. course manytimes those loses were in era where the teams were in the top 25............
Last year was clearly an aberration. We lost a lot of close games and the blocking was pathetic from what a lot of people thought was going to be a strong unit. My prediction is that if we block and tackle well next year, we will be pretty good.

Another thing to thing about is that if we brought in a new coach with an entirely different offensive scheme (which is clearly a given) then our flagship sport will be sucking wind for at least three years. I don't now if anybody has noticed but the GTAA has very little to hang it's hat on lately. We basically suck at any sport anybody gives a flying crap about last year. We're not even good at most of the Olympic sports. I really wonder what the long term consequences of sustaining a series of piss- poor football seasons would be like. I'm too young to remember the bad old days in the wilderness. I only come at that from a reasonable perspective, obviously there is no risk of conference affiliation but I would worry about becoming a Wake Forest or Maryland or something.
6 wins and a shitty bowl he keeps his job. 5 or less he's in trouble.
I realized I never answered the question presented. In my opinion it would take two more losing seasons (consecutive, so a total of three) for the GTAA to make a move.

It is not like CPJ's job is on the line this season.
Let's take a walk back in time.

Chan: One gimmick, known as Jon Tenuta, kept us in just enough games to go 7-5 every year.

O'Leary: One gimmick, Fridge's, which was largely stolen from Paul Johnson tape. (yes we ran triple option every year under Fridge, just not as often)

Bill Lewis: no gimmick

Bobby Ross: Same gimmick as O'leary

Bill Curry: no gimmick, got lucky one year

Pepper Rodgers: ran the 3O back before it was a gimmick

No reason to go further back than my lifetime, in the discussion.

We have never, ever won running a pro style offense. We have never, ever won without a gimmick. And the one gimmick in our entire history that has allowed us to beat Georgia is the triple option. Hey, check it out...

At least GO'L was smart enough to hire Fridge. And I did not see 1 OL bellyflops to the ground disguised as blocking. I also saw us finish up in the I formation.
Yeah, that Spurrier dude ain't worth a flip.

7-12 vs top 25 at the time of this image.


Only 5 coaches in the country posted better than 0.500.
12 coaches at .500 or better. Johnson comes in at #25 of 59 coaches who have coached against at least 1 top 25 team, in win pct. That is at their current schools.
Yeah, that Spurrier dude ain't worth a flip.
seems like Bobinski does not like Johnson very much, so another season like last year and he's probably gone. But I don't think that will happen. The 2015 schedule was brutal, but if it weren't for the injuries we would have been competitive.
PJ has to put a competitive program on the field that will fill Bobby Dodd and encourage the fans to turn loose some of their money to support the program. If he can't do that he is gone.
Last year was clearly an aberration. We lost a lot of close games and the blocking was pathetic from what a lot of people thought was going to be a strong unit. My prediction is that if we block and tackle well next year, we will be pretty good.

Another thing to thing about is that if we brought in a new coach with an entirely different offensive scheme (which is clearly a given) then our flagship sport will be sucking wind for at least three years. I don't now if anybody has noticed but the GTAA has very little to hang it's hat on lately. We basically suck at any sport anybody gives a flying crap about last year. We're not even good at most of the Olympic sports. I really wonder what the long term consequences of sustaining a series of piss- poor football seasons would be like. I'm too young to remember the bad old days in the wilderness. I only come at that from a reasonable perspective, obviously there is no risk of conference affiliation but I would worry about becoming a Wake Forest or Maryland or something.
I dont think it will kill us......look around and you will see most folks dont run the option and if you can throw and catch and pass block you may have a future in college....we have been taking kids and molding them in a new offense to many.....can you imagine filling the air with passes and running plays from a spread or shotgun formation..........I would think a exciting offense with a new coach would sparkle up the recruiting war...........course with our golden parachute contracts we have to wait on any change if that were to ahppen.
A 6 or 7 win season ain't gonna cut it for me. After the abortion he put on the field last season, I'd like to see at least 8 wins with one o those wins in Athens. If he can't do the job, find someone else who will. I'm tired of the he's the best we can do excuse. It's like making up excuses to not divorce a mediocre wife.