what say you?

You know, for years I went to these games just as a fan knowing that we were not going to win certain games or would be lucky to compete. I just wanted to be there to root for the Jackets and I did! Then I got a taste of winning, packed stadiums, sports broadcasters mentioning us on national TV, competing with UGAG, going to bowl games with coaches Ross and O'Leary and feeling good about each season and looking forward to the next!!

I definitely like that feeling soooooo much better. That feeling has disipated again and it started early on last season. It did not have to do with the players we had but the feeling I got for coaching and preparation of the players (all aspects). Something was missing, maybe a softness about the whole program - not that strong, tough stuff I had gotten use to. If that toughness and organzation along with coaching is the formula then we need to get it back.

I'll give this coaching staff the benefit of the doubt moving forward, but a lot of things have to change from last season to turn it around and it starts at the top and filters down. Improvement game to game is of the utmost importance.
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by GTTerrific:
Long way to go till Fall. Have a lot of work to do.

Our ability to throw and catch has been very inconsitent thus far this spring.

We'll see what kind of strides can be made as they continue to install the offense.

As much as I want to see Bilbo take control of this team, have a feeling it's going to a be a freshman at QB. Just my opinion at this point and time.

Again, have a long way to go till Provo. A lot can happen.

Looking forward to getting back Dorsey and Robinson.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">GTT: Interested in your take on Damarius? You're at the practices - can you give a breakdown on what may be negative and what may be positive. This is mindboggling to me that he can get on track. Thanks.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just my opinion of course. He's got a lot of tools. There is no doubt about that. He's got a gifted arm. No doubt about that. He's big, strong, and fast. No doubt about that. He's got some quicks, but not the shiftiness as say a Joe Hamilton that can dart quickly. Think that Bilbo shows some fire on the field. Not affraid to tussle with the likes of Hargrove. These are all positives in my mind.

They've made the language in this offense simpler to give him and the young guys a better chance to pick it up. This all being new we've got to get ready for Provo. While Bilbo makes some fantastic plays, he's been erratic at best. I see a guy like Pena who is just getting started in college. Talk about a huge jump from where he was last fall. It's MAJOR. I don't feel people understand how much of a difference it is between this level and HS. Honestly. thought he was shell shocked first few practices even though he showed great desire on the practice field. Can see him already gaining composure as they're adding more to what he can do. That guys offensive sets to start with where very plain. He's got a lot more to learn that these others, but while he does he's still making strides in his execution. Now while they're adding to the offense I don't see Bilbo making strides with his. That's a concern with me. Now no doubt that Bilbo is a head of Pena. BUT, in my mind he should be seperating himself BIG TIME, and he's not in my mind. That doesn't mean as the O starts coming together and it's repped he won't take charge. To me he hasn't gone out there and taken the bull by the horn big time. That's what I want to see from him. Not that he's not trying and showing great effort.

This is all of course my opinion.
Look, Gailey won't be gone after this year. Bilbo doesn't get it. HE hasn't gotten it. Hopefully the "dummy" language used for our playcalls will let him get it. My problem with that is if the stadium is quite and the D hears him call the signals in the huddle...they will know what the heck we are doing. Also this makes audibling impossible. But we have to do what we have to do if our own QB who has been with the system for 3 years can't remember the plays. I like Gailey and support him...but this play language reminds me of highschool.

I do not support the ingoring of the option and non-use of it with an athletic QB. This still bothers me.
Originally posted by bellyseries:
What say I?
I say I'm a Tech fan and will pull for them if they come out and line up backwards.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">YOU ARE THE MAN, BELLYSERIES!!

I LOVE IT. Just absolutely love it.

Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
You know, for years I went to these games just as a fan knowing that we were not going to win certain games or would be lucky to compete. I just wanted to be there to root for the Jackets and I did! Then I got a taste of winning, packed stadiums, sports broadcasters mentioning us on national TV, competing with UGAG, going to bowl games with coaches Ross and O'Leary and feeling good about each season and looking forward to the next!!

I definitely like that feeling soooooo much better. That feeling has disipated again and it started early on last season. It did not have to do with the players we had but the feeling I got for coaching and preparation of the players (all aspects). Something was missing, maybe a softness about the whole program - not that strong, tough stuff I had gotten use to. If that toughness and organzation along with coaching is the formula then we need to get it back.

I'll give this coaching staff the benefit of the doubt moving forward, but a lot of things have to change from last season to turn it around and it starts at the top and filters down. Improvement game to game is of the utmost importance.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTech,


I do think that Chan completely bungled the QB situation last year. He made a very premature and very bad choice by basically giving Suggs the starting job without a fight.

Andy Hall, who had not been afraid of competition with Godsey, (and certainly would not have been afraid of Suggs in a fair evalution) actually left the program before spring practice had finished because he saw he was not getting a fair shake.

Then as the season unfolded and Suggs was not getting the job done, Bilbo showed some promise on the rare occasions that he got the chance.
As the season continued, Bilbo should have gotten the chance to play more. The fact that this did not happen was a disservice to Bilbo, in my opinion.

Coach O'brien fought for more playing time for Bilbo and ended up getting banished to the press box and not allowed to do his job properly.

So we go into this year with a much bigger problem at QB than was necessary. Just imagine if O'leary had done like Chan and had not given Joe Hamilton all the playing time he needed as a freshmen. Just think what a set-back that would have been for Joe and the program. That is basically what happened last year with Bilbo. And the program is likely to suffer for it.

Keep hope alive.
--Jesse Jackson
Originally posted by 71Bee:
Hi Guys,

Isn't all this a bit premature? It's way early to draw any conclusions on how things will shape up in the fall; it's spring practice for gosh sakes. Shoot Coach Dodd didn't even require most of the upper classmen to come out and few practices were in pads. Yet somehow the team was more than ready in the fall.

Thanks to the comments posted here from those able to watch practice, I see alot to feel good about.

What's the word on Dorsey's shoulder injury last season?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Agree with you. A lot can and will happen between now and fall. No doubt in my mind.

I guess it's ok to talk about Dorsey. Was mention on rr.com that he is rehabing after surgery as is Leon Robinson. Hear Dorsey is doing very well and will be ready to go. The problem has been corrected.

Go Jackets!
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by GTTerrific:
Long way to go till Fall. Have a lot of work to do.

Our ability to throw and catch has been very inconsitent thus far this spring.

We'll see what kind of strides can be made as they continue to install the offense.

As much as I want to see Bilbo take control of this team, have a feeling it's going to a be a freshman at QB. Just my opinion at this point and time.

Again, have a long way to go till Provo. A lot can happen.

Looking forward to getting back Dorsey and Robinson.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">GTT: Interested in your take on Damarius? You're at the practices - can you give a breakdown on what may be negative and what may be positive. This is mindboggling to me that he can get on track. Thanks.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just my opinion of course. He's got a lot of tools. There is no doubt about that. He's got a gifted arm. No doubt about that. He's big, strong, and fast. No doubt about that. He's got some quicks, but not the shiftiness as say a Joe Hamilton that can dart quickly. Think that Bilbo shows some fire on the field. Not affraid to tussle with the likes of Hargrove. These are all positives in my mind.

They've made the language in this offense simpler to give him and the young guys a better chance to pick it up. This all being new we've got to get ready for Provo. While Bilbo makes some fantastic plays, he's been erratic at best. I see a guy like Pena who is just getting started in college. Talk about a huge jump from where he was last fall. It's MAJOR. I don't feel people understand how much of a difference it is between this level and HS. Honestly. thought he was shell shocked first few practices even though he showed great desire on the practice field. Can see him already gaining composure as they're adding more to what he can do. That guys offensive sets to start with where very plain. He's got a lot more to learn that these others, but while he does he's still making strides in his execution. Now while they're adding to the offense I don't see Bilbo making strides with his. That's a concern with me. Now no doubt that Bilbo is a head of Pena. BUT, in my mind he should be seperating himself BIG TIME, and he's not in my mind. That doesn't mean as the O starts coming together and it's repped he won't take charge. To me he hasn't gone out there and taken the bull by the horn big time. That's what I want to see from him. Not that he's not trying and showing great effort.

This is all of course my opinion.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Thanks for your analysis. I know he has all the attributes you mention, I'm just wondering if he now wants it so bad he may be pressing too much and that "bull by the horn" issue is elluding him? In any case, I hope all other QBs will be tutored accordingly, we may need "QB by Committee".

Thanks again - well done!
It's good to know we've got a couple more hot prospects at QB coming in in the fall. I'm thinking DBo takes the field against BYU but that the staff won't settle for mediocre like they did last year with AJ. We could see Ball or Carter or Pena. I wonder why they're not employing an option (besides the obvious conclusion). It's not that complicated (Vanderbilt runs an option!) and it's tailor made for our talent. I'd think especially with Reggie Ball half his ability is going to go down the tubes if he's not given a chance to be a running QB ala Lil Joe.
Originally posted by 33jacket:
I do not support the ingoring of the option and non-use of it with an athletic QB. This still bothers me.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
Originally posted gnats 67
I wonder why they're not employing an option (besides the obvious conclusion). It's not that complicated (Vanderbilt runs an option!) and it's tailor made for our talent. I'd think especially with Reggie Ball half his ability is going to go down the tubes if he's not given a chance to be a running QB ala Lil Joe.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">The THREAT of the option is the central theme to the highly successful Friedgen/O'Brien offensive scheme. You don't necessarily have to run the option that much....just the threat of it keeps the defenses more honest.

In 2001, we were hampered by Godsey's injury and immobility and the defenses just ignored the (lack of) option threat.

In 2002, we didn't run the option because of Chan's interference with the offensive scheme.

In 2003, we are not running the option because Chan has taken over and entirely changed the offense (something he specifically said he would not do when he was hired).

This takes away a serious threat to the defenses' we will face and will let them tee off on our backfield with reckless abandon (much like our defense is currently doing in practice).

We have the personnel to threaten to run the option. We apparently do not have the coaching. Let us hope that our talent level can overcome the lack of offensive imagination that we are now stuck with.
Does ANYONE think Beeware knows anything about football?

How many BCS's did O'leary take us to?

Fridge had the BEST QB in GT history and we didn't even get a BCS invitation.

Fridge was offered the GT job and he said HELL NO. Beeware don't you know how pathetic you sound. Don't you have any pride?

If Fridge really cared about GT he would be on our sidelines right now.

Why not complain that Gruden is not our coach. He seems like a great coach.

Fridge was offered the job and just used us to get a bigger contract out of MD. How many times has fridge beaten f$u?

How low is your self esteem? You would probably crawl all the way to MD to kiss fridge's tail.

Show some pride. Don't ever bring up a coach that turned down an offer to coach at GT.

Just pathetic.
I havent posted in a while... but Lawbee, I had to post after reading your words above... well said !! I could not have summed it up any better.. I think anyone who reads this board would quickly arrive at the fact that BeeDawg is just ... a Dawg !

And BeeDawg... I could only laugh at your last post... heck, I am still laughing !!
Originally posted by jacketguy:
I havent posted in a while... but Lawbee, I had to post after reading your words above... well said !! I could not have summed it up any better.. I think anyone who reads this board would quickly arrive at the fact that BeeDawg is just ... a Dawg !

And BeeDawg... I could only laugh at your last post... heck, I am still laughing !!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">jacketguy, others and I have taken notice of not seeing you post recently. Have seen you lurking on the boards though, so knew you were around.

Have missed your posts!
everyday CG puts on a hat w/ a GT and goes to work and for you to put him down and then PROMOTE someone who puts on a RED HAT W/ A TURTLE is a



Fridge drew a paycheck while he was at GT and he provided a service but that is over now.

You should be ashamed of yourself! You consistently applaud PEOPLE who have put themselves ahead of GT.

If someone does not want to coach at GT then that is ok, but the hell if I want to see that person immortalized on a GT board.

Understand maybe you think GT is a second rate school that should take other schools left overs but the rest of us DO NOT want any coach that DOES NOT want to be here.

We have much pride in the school and what it stands for.
Originally posted by KBEEJACKET:
I will add my two cents about DBO to this point. DBO is learning a new offense while dealing with playing behind more backups than starters on the offensive line. IMHO the results of this will be better depth in the OL when the season starts. He is playing with recievers that are young but improving. The exception to this is Jonathan Smith who catches almost everything that comes his way. He is playing against an experiened and atletic defensive line playing the same system for the second year in a row.
Just my opinion but all this adds up to being a little inconsistent at this point. There are a lot of practices between now and Provo and much improvement has to happen to be successful but mental toughness should not be a problem with DBO.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Definitely like your analysis as well. That inconsistency can come from all the valid points you make above. One thing I see here, we're all hoping he pulls it out because we believe he has all the tangibles to make it as a Div. 1 QB!!
KBEE, good post on DBO. WE better hope he gets it, because the alternative is either way too young or just plain can't play! DBO has got it all in physical ability-lets hope he gets it in his head. It is HUGE for him to get it!!!!
Dang ! With all the Quotes in here i feel like in back in my shakespeare class!
Originally posted by techrod:
KBEE, good post on DBO. WE better hope he gets it, because the alternative is either way too young or just plain can't play! DBO has got it all in physical ability-lets hope he gets it in his head. It is HUGE for him to get it!!!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">That is why it was such a shame to waste DBO's R-F year, last year; he needed the experience, and we definitely needed him to have the experience. An unnecessary waste, really.
lawbee, thanks a lot for your posts. the fridge was great for ga tech and ga tech was great for the fridge. the fridge is gone. as far as we are concerned, he's been unplugged. it's worse, he's enemy now.

if only someone could pull the plug on beeware. i'll celebrate

here's my take on next year. if we find a qb that can complete passes when a passing play is called, we'll win. if we cannot find a qb .. we'll struggle.

our defense will be the best that we've had in the last 5 to 6 years. our defense will keep us in most games and allow the offense to develop early.

just like the fridge, bob is history for tech. answer me this, if bob was a great offensive co-ordinator and a great QB coach, then why the hell would he now be the middle linebacker coach at maryland? that doesn't make any sense.

the dude probably looked hard in the mirror and realized that he's got a LOT of work ahead of him and he had bitten off MUCH more than he could chew. so now he is with his master to learn more. there is nothing wrong with that.

if he was good enough, he would NEVER go back to the fridge as a middle linebacker coach! surely a great offensive mind (as beeware paints him to be) can find another position as an offensive coach in college football.
Quoting Jesse Jackson speaks volumes about Bee(Dawg)Ware, IMO.

You can count me with the Tech fans excited about another football season on the Flats.