I don't understand how you can sell a blatant failure of a product. It is clear the people in China making these shirts put the wrong word in. Send them back. (If this was not a mistake with those Chinese, then I will further clarify these problems), I have broken it up for you.
Product has been improperly categorized:
This is not "Yellow Jacket Gear." "Dwag/Nadlicker/Inbred Mutt Gear" is more appropriate. (while you are killing our traditions, you might as well go ahead and support their fans).
Page loads too slowly:
Nothing is fun about the slowness of dwag fans' minds.
Product information is incorrect:
"Let everyone know the importance of this event by wearing this Clean Old Fashioned Fun tee" How in the hell (Yes, hell, we can use that word) does this shirt reflect the importance of this event? Please tell me. The great tradition of this rivalry has been reduced to something equal to a mall parking lot carnival.
Page has errors or bugs:
It is not "Clean Old Fashioned Fun." It is "Clean Old Fashioned Hate." Please fix this error.
Site is frustrating or difficult to use:
You would be frustrated, too, to wake up and see your traditions dying in a dumpster fire on the acc website.
Product image is missing or wrong:
The image showing the disgrace that is the University[sic] of Georgia is missing. Instead it is replaced by something called fun. There is nothing fun about lying, about telling everyone that you are a legitimate university. There is nothing fun about 4-5 years wasted on useless toilet paper degrees. There is nothing fun about football players used as pawns to win football games. There is nothing fun about half a football team being arrested (no wait, there is fun with that). There is nothing fun about a university[sic] that values athletics over academics. There is nothing fun about a fanbase whose only thing to live for is their wive/sister/cousin, their inbred bulldog mascot, their 10-12 teeth, broken down truck, and a handful of football games a year.
Cannot find my size:
No shirt of any size can contain the amount of hate that is necessary for the university[sic] of Georgia.
Spelling errors on page:
"Clean Old Fashioned fun" should be "Clean Old Fashioned Hate." "UGA" should be "U[sic]GA." "Dawgs" should be "Dwags." Although, it is not spelling, I don't understand why UGA is referred to as a school. To be considered a school, rational thought and learning have to actually take place.
Not enough product information:
It does not reflect the true traditions of the rivalry. It does not show the hate that exists. It does not belong on the back of a single person. Period.