I'm a fun-loving guy(/gal) from Georgia Tech, and all majors are good to me
all majors are good, all majors are good, all majors are good to me
Like all my jolly good humans, I drink and then I pee
but I'd never pee on a bulldog cuz that's animal cru-el-teee
Ooooooh if I had a daughter sir, She'd wear her fav' rit hues
and prance around the campus of the college she would choose
and if I had a son, sir I'll tell you what he'd do
He would yell, "Hooray for Sports" like his daddy wanted to
Oh I wish I had some cracker jack and a jug o' pure sweet tea
a nice punch bowl to put it in and some cups for you and me
I'd pass it out to ev'ryone, singing Barney's "I Love you"
I'm a fun-loving guy(/gal) from Georgia Tech and your team is my team too
:biggrinangelA: :hugpinchbutt: