Um,'re like wrong...and stuff.
More Alumni interested in the program will lead to more non-affliated people coming to games as guests.
Which is the most likely pathway to NEW ST holders.
1. We have a pro football team in town; anything they do good will attract the un-educated and unaffliated. They are in no way good for GT.
2. We have a city full of people who graduated from other schools. Atlanta has every school in the South's largest alumni club. If their school has a big game, they're going to watch that. PSU alums are not coming to a GT game.
3. If they went to a small school(Rhodes, Sewanee) guess what, they probably don't care about big time sports in person or assume tickets are too difficult to get.
There are 48k Tech alumni in GA. 2/3 of those people should be expected/told/humilated/pressured into attending THEIR school's games. 1/2 of that group should be married with Kids.
It's a losing battle to try to get random Timmy Atlantan to come to a Tech game without knowing/meeting a Tech Alum or family.