why red shirting QB may be stupid.....

Well it can certainly help. I know my happiness level increased dramatically when I was getting laid on the regular and things didn't seem so bad.

For the price of an OoS education I think we can do much better for him than some high school amateur.
I'll try to make him flip. I can be there for him whereas his bitch gf just doesn't understand him like I do.

Don't thank me, I'm happy to provide service.

If you think the kid's behavior starting a year ago with the recruiting process are indicative of someone who is making a rational, mature decision, then you are an idiot. Hell, his parents wanted him to leave home so that he could grow up. That was a big consideration in them pushing him to GT. Sound like a mature kid or someone that needs to grow up and make that step out of childhood and into manhood? "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever."

Where to attend college is a huge decision for the average teen to make. Throw in football scholarships where you have a bunch of people telling you how if you don't do what they recommend, they are making a terrible mistake (sound familiar?), and I don't fault the KID (let's remember, that's what he is) for wanting to ensure the decision he makes is correct.

For all the people on here telling him he needs to "grow up" or "sack up" - take a look in the mirror. You are attacking an 18 year old kid because he wants to be happy. Way to be a man.
Where to attend college is a huge decision for the average teen to make. Throw in football scholarships where you have a bunch of people telling you how if you don't do what they recommend, they are making a terrible mistake (sound familiar?), and I don't fault the KID (let's remember, that's what he is) for wanting to ensure the decision he makes is correct.

For all the people on here telling him he needs to "grow up" or "sack up" - take a look in the mirror. You are attacking an 18 year old kid because he wants to be happy. Way to be a man.

He might be a "kid," but only through his actions. 18 year old men are taking bullets for our country right now. That is much the point as anything. I don't know him and perhaps he is a mature adult who is thinking this through very well, but given what I've read about him through the recruiting process and through his previous Twitter antics, I'm guessing that he is pouting in the corner and sad his girlfriend is 6 hours away. He is considering walking away form a BCS conference starting QB job at a top 40 worldwide university to go hang out with high school girlfriend in Greenville, NC. Yeah... sounds like a good long term decision that a mature adult won't regret down the road. Sounds like he needs a kick in the ass to me. Sounds like you want to give him a teddy bear and a hug. Being happy in the moment is not always the best course of action for maximizing long term happiness.
He might be a "kid," but only through his actions. 18 year old men are taking bullets for our country right now. That is much the point as anything. I don't know him and perhaps he is a mature adult who is thinking this through very well, but given what I've read about him through the recruiting process and through his previous Twitter antics, I'm guessing that he is pouting in the corner and sad his girlfriend is 6 hours away. He is considering walking away form a BCS conference starting QB job at a top 40 worldwide university to go hang out with high school girlfriend in Greenville, NC. Yeah... sounds like a good long term decision that a mature adult won't regret down the road. Sounds like he needs a kick in the ass to me. Sounds like you want to give him a teddy bear and a hug. Being happy in the moment is not always the best course of action for maximizing long term happiness.

You, me or none of the other numbskulls on this board know this young man or what is going on with Vad. if you want to be critical, STFU. If you want to be a man, then wish him the best of luck in reaching his decision in what is best for HIS INTERESTS
We shouldn't be judging the guy on anything he hasn't said.

And an 18 year old taking a bullet for the country has a much stronger commitment to his cause than an 18 year old playing football at Tech. The difference is nobody anywhere should feel sorry for an 18 year old playing football at Tech. Period. If the guy needs to go be happy, that's one thing, but at least phrase it that way. Plenty of people who deserve sympathy for the trials they have to endure, and no homesick 17 year old is one of them.
You, me or none of the other numbskulls on this board know this young man or what is going on with Vad. if you want to be critical, STFU. If you want to be a man, then wish him the best of luck in reaching his decision in what is best for HIS INTERESTS

He might be a "kid," but only through his actions. 18 year old men are taking bullets for our country right now. That is much the point as anything.

Yes, 18 year olds are taking bullets for our country. I cannot say enough thanks for them, or soldiers of any age, for doing what they do for each and every one of us. Some of those 18 year olds were likely already mature "men", but some had no other choice to grow up quickly after they went through boot camp and were thrown into a war zone.

But we aren't talking about soliders. We are talking about a college freshman who happens to be on our football team. I don't think you can compare the two. The soldiers don't have the luxary of making the decisions that Vad is reportedly wrestling with - but I bet you that many of them would trade in a heartbeat if they could.

I understand where you are coming from. I really do. But what point is it to come out on this message board and tell a kid that he needs to "sack up" as someone said and realize what a huge mistake he is making? Who is anyone else to make that decision for him? GT isnt for everyone. Playing QB on a BCS auto-qual conference team isn't for everyone. Just cut the kid some slack, let him make his choice and live with it, and move on.

Vad does not owe us fans anything. He needs to do what is right for himself, whatever he feels that would be. I personally hope that means staying at GT, and I would love to cheer him on as our starting QB someday if he earns the spot.
You are one stupid piece of S@#A$, based on your viewpoint you should remain with your current employer for the rest of your miserable little life.


Loyalty? Commitment? Nah... we don't need that.

Miserable life? Nah son, I'm quite happy. You are the one getting all worked up over the internet. Pretty sad. Perhaps you need a hug too. I've made good choices in my life and they have paid off. It would be a shame to see an immature kid piss it away because he wants snuggle with his girlfriend more often.
Don't need a hug, my life is terrific. Great spouse, great kids, great job ........ Have one going to college next year, didn't consider GT. His GT dad (and grad) is proud of him for that decision!