why red shirting QB may be stupid.....

Redshirting quarterbacks is stupid! Unless it's Nesbitt then you're an idiot for not doing it.
Student stress
Georgia Tech carries a strong reputation for being stressful. In 2001, The Princeton Review placed Tech among the 10 toughest colleges and universities in the United States[153] and later reported that Tech's heavy workload led to "overly stressed" students with "minimal time for social functions".[154] In 2002, the Review ranked Tech No. 2 on its list of colleges and universities with the "least happy students",[155] prompting Institute officials to publish a report the following year responding to the negative publicity. The report criticized the Review for the lack of scientific rigor in its methods and referred to data from internal opinion surveys demonstrating increased student satisfaction in several areas.[156] In 2010, The Daily Beast included Tech on its list of the 50 most stressful colleges and universities in the U.S.[157] However, in 2010, the Daily Beast also listed Tech among the 100 happiest colleges indicating that student stress does not necessarily prevent student happiness.[158] Among students, it is widely believed that a sacrifice of sleep, studying, or a social life defines "the Tech lifestyle".[159] For these reasons, students commonly refer to graduation from Tech as "getting out".[29]
Tech is a Mother. You either love Ma Tech or you don't. And even if you love her, she makes you mad as hell most of the time because of all the stuff she does to make you miserable.
LOL @ "six hours away from home" will make you grow up and "Tech is stressful." Kids his age are fighting a war right now. Think they get to go home for the weekend? Give me a break.

I really hope that all of this is just rumors. I want this guy to be a respectable adult much more than I want him to play QB for us. If he needs to transfer to be happy, good on him, I hope he can find his happiness; that is a very important part of life. However, I sincerely hope that all this "woe is me, life is hard stuff" is just the rumor mill putting words in his mouth.
Redshirting quarterbacks is stupid! Unless it's Nesbitt then you're an idiot for not doing it.

Of course if we don't burn Nesbitt's redshirt he might have fumbled in '08 like he did '07 and CPJ might be 0-4 against U[sic]GA right now.
please! Name one RS-Freshman QB with fumble issues...
Kid sounds like a headcase.. Not exactly the Mindset you want out of a leader.. A leader would never quit.. If he looses his teammates respect over this.. Then it really doesn't matter if he stays or not

This is a very key point. If all is as has been reported, even if he stays, he's now got trust issues with his teammates who have busted their tail for years for this program. Nesbitt, TW, Days and even Sims have all stuck with it and made things happen.

If he wants to quit, then let him quit. I'd love for him to stay and be a major success here, but if he doesn't want to be here, he won't be a major success.
Sounds like he needs to grow a pair. I he wants to go home and be a -----, so be it. GT was around before him an if e really was as good as all you want to believe, he would've played this year. He looked okay at the fall scrimmages, but he wasn't an all-World athlete or anything. Hell, look who we beat out for him. Bama? UF? Ohio State? Nope. NCST and UNC. Woo Hoo. Sure we'll be thin at QB, but life goes on.

Please quit trashing a 18 year old homesick, lovesick kid. It makes anyone who does it look extremely petty.
Who is happy at Tech? I sure wouldn't until I graduated. It is painful. Heck, a few years back I saw we made one of the Princeton Review's top ten lists.....Top ten schools where the students are miserable.

That is the Tech way.....

and probably the largest single problem at Ma Tech
Throwing a freshman into the starting QB position is asking for trouble. It's a huge talent, and if he doesn't succeed you can ruin his career. Only drop-dead balls-on 5-star guys should be starting at QB.

Shawn Jones didn't play as a true freshman, and neither did Joe Hamilton. Both sat behind guys they probably could have beaten out as a true FR had they not redshirted. This is not a GA Tech issue, it's a personal issue. Some make it, some don't. It's this way everywhere.
and probably the largest single problem at Ma Tech

Or the largest single contributor to students' future successes when they know how to handle that type of rigor and unhappiness.

Very apparent who is used to working hard and in less ideal conditions by the attitudes during forced overtime at a job. Or who is willing to go the extra mile without needing to be asked even if it involves a couple late nights.
Work is a four letter word for a reason.

There is no forced overtime unless you are in a union job. Professionals simply do what it takes to get the job done. Certain times of the year it might take 30 hours a week while others it might take 60.
Work is a four letter word for a reason.

There is no forced overtime unless you are in a union job. Professionals simply do what it takes to get the job done. Certain times of the year it might take 30 hours a week while others it might take 60.

Technically, sure, but when most of the year your job takes 50 hours a week and then for three weeks management tells you you need to work 80, most people refer to that as forced overtime and that's what I meant as well. Probably should have used some other phrase like "crunch time."
Please quit trashing a 18 year old homesick, lovesick kid. It makes anyone who does it look extremely petty.

Who is trashing anyone. I'd like him to stay, but perhaps he needs to grow up. I wanted to transfer as a Freshman, but I sacked up, stayed and am better off for it. "Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit."
Who is trashing anyone. I'd like him to stay, but perhaps he needs to grow up. I wanted to transfer as a Freshman, but I sacked up, stayed and am better off for it. "Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit."

Plenty of people are trashing the kid. Just read this thread. He needs to "grow up"? Maybe that is what he is doing now - I doubt he is taking this decision lightly. Part of growing up is making the tough decisions - doesn't mean he is a quitter as many people are saying.

Everyone has to chose their own path in life. I think we all hope he stays, but if he doesn't, maybe this just wasn't his path? People leave GT all the time, for a whole host of reasons. He has enough people giving him advice,and at the end of the day, he and his family will make the decision they feel is best for them. The GT community may not end up liking the decision, but we should respect it. It's not our decision to make, and just because many of us would love to be in his shoes, fighting to become the starting QB of our team, it doesn't mean that the right decision for him is to stay...everyone just seems to know what is the right decision for him, but you aren't in his shoes.
Plenty of people are trashing the kid. Just read this thread. He needs to "grow up"? Maybe that is what he is doing now - I doubt he is taking this decision lightly. Part of growing up is making the tough decisions - doesn't mean he is a quitter as many people are saying.

Everyone has to chose their own path in life. I think we all hope he stays, but if he doesn't, maybe this just wasn't his path? People leave GT all the time, for a whole host of reasons. He has enough people giving him advice,and at the end of the day, he and his family will make the decision they feel is best for them. The GT community may not end up liking the decision, but we should respect it. It's not our decision to make, and just because many of us would love to be in his shoes, fighting to become the starting QB of our team, it doesn't mean that the right decision for him is to stay...everyone just seems to know what is the right decision for him, but you aren't in his shoes.

If you think the kid's behavior starting a year ago with the recruiting process are indicative of someone who is making a rational, mature decision, then you are an idiot. Hell, his parents wanted him to leave home so that he could grow up. That was a big consideration in them pushing him to GT. Sound like a mature kid or someone that needs to grow up and make that step out of childhood and into manhood? "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever."
Plenty of people are trashing the kid. Just read this thread. He needs to "grow up"? Maybe that is what he is doing now - I doubt he is taking this decision lightly. Part of growing up is making the tough decisions - doesn't mean he is a quitter as many people are saying.

Everyone has to chose their own path in life. I think we all hope he stays, but if he doesn't, maybe this just wasn't his path? People leave GT all the time, for a whole host of reasons. He has enough people giving him advice,and at the end of the day, he and his family will make the decision they feel is best for them. The GT community may not end up liking the decision, but we should respect it. It's not our decision to make, and just because many of us would love to be in his shoes, fighting to become the starting QB of our team, it doesn't mean that the right decision for him is to stay...everyone just seems to know what is the right decision for him, but you aren't in his shoes.

^^^^ this

No different than any of us that decide to change employers......
Offering her a scholarship isn't going to fix things.

Well it can certainly help. I know my happiness level increased dramatically when I was getting laid on the regular and things didn't seem so bad.