why red shirting QB may be stupid.....

Someone needs to show him this:

It can only get better from here on out!
He just isn't happy...Tech isn't for everyone.

Who is happy at Tech? I sure wouldn't until I graduated. It is painful. Heck, a few years back I saw we made one of the Princeton Review's top ten lists.....Top ten schools where the students are miserable.

That is the Tech way.....
Who is happy at Tech? I sure wouldn't until I graduated. It is painful. Heck, a few years back I saw we made one of the Princeton Review's top ten lists.....Top ten schools where the students are miserable.

That is the Tech way.....

2nd most depressing. We went over this in health class on Monday, so it's still relevant. William and Mary is 1st.
Until something official breaks, I'm not going to get too bent out of shape about this. All bets are off after it's official.
It's over guys. We're being out recruited by ECU. Pack up the bags.
2nd most depressing. We went over this in health class on Monday, so it's still relevant. William and Mary is 1st.

Do people really hate school that much? It's hard for me to remember ever really HATING it. Maybe Fluids... yeah, I remember hating Fluids. Other than that, I had a lot of fun at GT.
ECU will NEVER have a chance to be successful with or without VL.. as long as Ruffin is their HC.
Do people really hate school that much? It's hard for me to remember ever really HATING it. Maybe Fluids... yeah, I remember hating Fluids. Other than that, I had a lot of fun at GT.

I really hate it that much.
Do people really hate school that much? It's hard for me to remember ever really HATING it. Maybe Fluids... yeah, I remember hating Fluids. Other than that, I had a lot of fun at GT.

I remember thinking "these better not be the best four years of my life." Although the summer when I co-oped up in the Triangle with students from other schools was fairly fantastic...nice to see how the other side lived.
I don't HATE Tech. Would I cry if it burned to the ground the second after I get my degree? No. But I don't HATE Tech.
Do people really hate school that much? It's hard for me to remember ever really HATING it. Maybe Fluids... yeah, I remember hating Fluids. Other than that, I had a lot of fun at GT.

Maybe you had the right profs, but all of mine were too busy weeding to play fair.....1 out of every 4 that started got their engineering degree.....that ain't cause they were all stupid.....the shaft.
Yeah, I don't hate Tech either, but the stress I felt even when I studied my butt off is a stress you don't feel at other schools....believe me, because I attended UGAG, Indiana U., and 3 smaller schools...nothing is like tech
Weed out classes are tough for a reason, I think they've changed slightly when you start getting those courses, but I also had the experience of only 1 of every 3 or 4 of my freshman friends graduated.
Weed out classes are tough for a reason, I think they've changed slightly when you start getting those courses, but I also had the experience of only 1 of every 3 or 4 of my freshman friends graduated.

When I was there, it was pretty much the entire freshman and sophomore year, then again when you started in your actual major courses.....yes, even juniors were getting shafted. My circuits prof was told the avg. gpa in his class had to be 2.4.

HAD TO BE....that is stupid....