There are no solid scientific reasons campuses should not open and football should not be played this fall.
The “problem” as it relates to opening campuses and playing football this fall, is that the Board of Regents and NCAA are covering their butts. The same goes for MLB. They know that any actions they take to try to restore normalcy will be met by scorched earth rhetoric, condemnation and threats of lawsuits from the Left and their unrelenting liberal media outlets, whose only desire is to achieve power in the November elections.
There are no legitimate reasons campuses should not reopen in the fall with modifications to minimize the spread of disease. There are no legitimate reasons there should not be college football this fall. There are no reasons 20% of Americans should be unemployed right now.
Covid is not unprecedented (see link below). What is unprecedented is the lack of love for America, selflessness and lack of civility by our political leaders on both sides of the aisle.