wouldn't the players rather go to the SF.....

Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

And how was the attendance at that game? Didn't we lose that game? Didn't we lose money at that game?

And quite frankly, I don't think most people enjoyed it. I know people (players and fans) who went to Boise and the what-ever-it-was-i-don't think-its-played-anymore Classic and all liked Boise better. At least you can go skiing in Boise and the players got to ride around in Ski Mobiles. At the game, Tulsa got to ride PJ Daniels when he carried for about 400 yards.

For the record, payout would have been higher at music city since there is base pay plus as ticket sales go up up up so would our payout.

San fran a great city? Yes. The bowl game? Sub par. Its a tie in to the MWC for crying out loud. A bunch of whiners who want to be in the BCS (its our monopoly). Events, seem about equal to or slightly better than Music City except the assistant coaches get this:

Assistant Coaches Tour of Anchor Brewery
Assistant Coaches are invited on a private tour (and tasting) of Anchor Brewery in San Francisco where they have been brewing since August 13, 1979 (Invitation Only)

So if I'm Tenuta I'd be really happy.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

I don't think payout matters. IIRC the conference helps out with travel costs so teams don't lose money from the low paying bowls they send us to.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

So what are you having trouble figuring out? Oh, and BTW, $1M a year for HC is about average nowadays.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

are we the only top 25 team going to a gay city for a fruit bowl that just got b*tched slapped by the NCAA with scholarship reductions that will certainly impact our program..a program already full of problems stemming from the AA dept...and a team that already has continuous medicore seasons to begin with? Yep, our program is on the up and up!!! Can't wait to see our boys play in front all those empty seats, um, I meaned packed house of raucous fans for the big Emerald Bowl!!! If GT's football program sold stock, do you think you'd get a great return over the next few years? again, will YOU be making the trip for this bowl game?
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....


So if I'm Tenuta I'd be really happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not if you've ever had Achnor beer. Bleh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puke.gif
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Their steam beer is great with BBQ. Hell, I'd make the trip if this were next year and I was billing people to death.

And for the record....I'm pretty sure we lost $$ with the whatever-it-was classic but were darned happy to break even in Boise. I think we could've made money in Nashville which we need right now.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Is SF a better city than Charolette? Yes. Better than Nashville? I'd say thats about a push, maybe a little edge to SF.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, I've been to both cities at this time of year and I have to say SF beats Nashville in the winter time.

Now before anyone gets up in arms I LOVE NASHVILLE and it is one of the very few cities in this coutry other than ATL that I would move to. It is a fantastic city. I love the people, the culture (great music scene - and I'm not even a country music fan, TPAC is a great venue for shows), and the area. Heck, I lived outside Nashville for 2 years in Murfreesboro so I do know something about Nashville (though not as much as I would like). So this is not a knock on Nashville.

If travel weren't an issue I'd rather go to Frisco for a few days in winter time than to Nashville. Most any other time of year I'd MUCH prefer Nashville.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Sorry Law I have to disagree with you on this one. This is a perfect example of there being entirely too many bowls and the apparent lack of clout our athletic department has with the ACC. You can spin it anyway you want the fact is that it does not look good and frankly is a disgrace. Of the many poor performances by Dave Braine this one is right up there. A mediocre bowl 1000 miles away on a Thursday afternoon is pathetic for a top 25 team that defeated 2 top ten teams and damn near upset the SEC champions. Gentlemen, this is no way to run a railroad and I for one am tired of hearing hackneyed excuses from GTAA.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

So if SF is so much better for a football game than Nashville or Charlotte, then by extension Nashville and Charlotte would be way better than Boise. Yet, all the talking heads said Boise was a great trip for the players.

You will rationalize anything to protect swofford/clough/braine.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

b/c of work I will probably not be able to go, but I wouldn't be going to nashville either. I will just have to send the GTAA money in my place.

I know San Fran is VERY EXPENSIVE, but it is one of the best tourist cities in the WORLD. Don't let the politics control your life. After all this is Micheal Savage's home base.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Maybe I'm just not a fan of steam beer in general, I like the reds/stouts and God willing my own homebrew once its finally ready more than anything.

I have to say, its not the bowl, its not great, but what can a 7-4 team expect. But being so far away is hard on everyone, specially during the week. To travel out there you would have to take 3 days off of work, I know I can't swing that right now... though what the hell, I may try if I can even get a flight (they arent cheap).
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Law Bee, for maybe the first time, I agree with you...well, maybe not everything, but your main point: if I'm a college kid, and I get a choice of playing in San Francisco or Nashville, I'm voting for Frisco. The only reason to want to go somewhere else would be if the other game has some national impact, which neither of these has.

Bottom line is the only way to control your own destiny in terms of bowl games is to win, win impressively, and win consistently during the season. Even with the great wins over Auburn and Miami, we really didn't do that, so to blame others for our fate is childish.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

law_bee, you are missing the point here. A day in San Francisco beats a week in Charlotte any day. Few think of Nashville as a better vacation spot than San Francisco. So, good for the players - they get a nice trip to one of America's best cities to play a respectable opponent in Utah.

Here is the slight. We finished 7-4, 5-3 in ACC. From a conference record and overall record standpoint the order is: 1. FSU 2. Miami or VT 3. Miami or VT 4. BC 5. GT, due to better conference record plus win over Clemson.6. Clemson
7. UVA or NCSU 8. UVA or NCSU

Swofford played us like a fiddle with a bait and switch.BC wil get the #4 and go to Orlando. Let's let Charlotte take Clemson. We promise Boise won't bring you out again, they'll take NCSU. That leaves you a nice trip to Nashville, OK? Stupidly we believed John Swofford and the ACC does anything other than what is best for his provincial interests on Tobacco Road.

So, BC gets it worse than us. An 8-3 and 5-3 team is passed over for a 7-4,3-5 and 6-5, with wins over Middle Tennessee and Eastern KY, 3-5 team. They get shipped to play Boise State in Boise. Welcome to the most unfair conference in America, Eagles!

Then, we find out much too late that Nashville never wanted us at all. They like a 6-5 team over us and take the Hoos.
Braine gets suckered. He should have been yelling from the get go that Tech should fall no further than Charlotte. But, Charlotte is reserved for UNC, NCSU, and UVA on an annual basis, regardless of merit.

The loss to GT - our athletes' families have to travel a much greater distance at much greater expense to see their kids in a bowl. This is the fourth time in five years! And, the GT fan base is denied a chance for an easy trip on a great date at reasonable cost to enjoy Jacket football in Nashville.

Please take a minute to look at Charlotte and the State crowd and take a minute to look at the white and gold faithful in San Francisco during bowl week. Notice the difference in the size of the gathering and the good time so many in the red and white will be having. Maybe then you will get it.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

NC - check out the response from DBraine about how and why we were dismissed as good choices for Music City. He refuses to take responsibility for his "lack of preparation". And more obvious is the selection of Bowls Games where Tech can beat the opponent at the expense of solid National media exposure against a big programs. Think small be small best defines Braine's reign at GT. Read the attached and you'll recognize the pattern.

Music City Officials stated: "Virginia did as good as anybody selling us on their program and their fan base. They really impressed us the last week and a half to two weeks. Virginia was probably the most organized and prepared. Their organization, preparation and consistency made it a good feel for us."

The Virginia athletics department sent the Music City a marketing program that included newspaper, TV and radio ads, a postcard mailing to season-ticket holders, an e-mail campaign and a dedicated bowl Web site. But it wasn't just the athletics department that made an impression, Ramsey said. Several hundred Virginia fans e-mailed and called the Music City expressing their enthusiasm about the possibility of coming to Nashville.

Georgia Tech athletics director Dave Braine wasn't buying Ramsey's explanation. (Dave is so obtuse!!!) More poor Public Relations.

"We have the Web sites, and we have the postcards, and we have everything else," Braine said. "It comes down to one school outbidding another school. When you have a 7-4 record which is better than Virginia's, and when you have a 5-3 conference record which is better than Virginia's, you shouldn't have to buy a game."
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Do they get to play to a national audience? Not really, it might be on ESPN, but its at 4:30 on a Thursday afternoon.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with a lot of the criticism of this bowl, but this one is just flat wrong. The Music City Bowl is on ESPN at noon on the 30th, and has to compete with the Sun Bowl on CBS. Being on ESPN at 4:30PM on the 29th with no competing games is much better for TV exposure.

Besides, it will be really cool when one of Reggie's sack-avoiding throws lands in the bay.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

Besides, it will be really cool when one of Reggie's sack-avoiding throws lands in the bay.

[/ QUOTE ]
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

I'm not sure what you're responding to. Braine's claim here is that teams don't politic for bowls. Well, that's clearly not true. He also said we have all the things UVA does...what he doens't say is whether we showed them anything or not. I agree, if he felt fans emailing would make any difference it would have been easy to orchestrate, but for the bowl committee to be swayed by something like that shows how stupid they are. Emails are nothing...any one can get a campaign going on something like that, it doesn't mean anyone is going to the game. Too bad we didn't show how many rooms had been reserved by Tech fans. (on a side note, I hope all those with rooms don't cancel until the last minute).

I don't get your "think small" comments though. Braine clearly believes we deserve a bigger bowl. He didn't select the Emerald, they picked us. He didn't turn down Music City, they passed us over. He may be guilty of not getting us the bowl we want, but I don't see how you can accuse him of targeting the one we got.

BTW I agree with his last comment and hope the ACC changes things in the new bowl contracts. Bowls should have limited choice in who they get. The teams that do the work on the field deserve the better games and matchups.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

I don't think DBraine has been honest with GT Alumns on several fronts. It's clear that he is not proactive on issues that require forethought and planning - especially "image". He should be politicing, but in truth he is very poor as a lobbyest. Or maybe he does plan ahead and this is what he invisions for the GT Program - let's hope for God's sake that is not the case. Or maybe he is one of those amasing chumps that walks through his career in a fog and for some unknown reason never gets nailed for not being what he is supposed to be - like Chauncey the Gardener - another Peter Seller's role. I still like Inspector Clouseau as a comparison to DBraine.

DBraine should have been courting possible Bowl scenarios with more zest than potential competitors - but he seems to be content with just "walking along in that fog" until the results come in. He did not pick SF as the bowl of choice, but he could have, in his mind, picked the team to play. Afterall, we have complained about where we were Bowling in years past, and who we were playing with DBraine's at the helm. And look at the results. We won so nobody complained - Chauncey the Gardener still has his job. Freakin' Amazing isn't it.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

I still don't get the gist I guess. Yes he's done a bad job from all accounts on being proactive about the bowl situation. But I still don't get your comments about who we have played. Last year for example was ACC vs Big East. They didn't ask us which Big East team we wanted to play. Braine has screwed up a number of things IMO but I think you're giving him too much credit. He doesn't control all the things you blame him for.
Re: wouldn\'t the players rather go to the SF.....

DBraine should have been courting possible Bowl scenarios with more zest than potential competitors ...

[/ QUOTE ]

According to what Braine said in the paper today, UVa outbid us for the Music City Bowl. We promised to buy 20,000 tickets, so UVa must have promised to buy more than that. How many tickets do you think we should buy? Should we really go into the red for a bowl game? If we buy 10,000 extra tickets that we can't use that may cost $400-500K - do we want to spend that kind of money for the Music City Bowl?