You went to Georgia Tech didn't you

Yes, the Mohs Hardness Scale goes to 11.

Mohs Hardness Scale

Talc — 1
Gypsum — 2
Calcite — 3
Fluorite — 4
Apatite — 5
Orthoclase — 6
Quartz — 7
Topaz — 8
Corundum — 9
Diamond — 10
Tech — 11
JJacket 12, according to stingtalk moms
In my freshman orientation in 1977 they actually did tell us to look right and left as only 1 of us would likely graduate. Always wondered what those other two guys really did. I hope they did make it through.

It is good Tech has realized the caliber of student who gets in should be expected to graduate. The purpose of the university is to help them get a great education. Not give them one: but help them earn it.
In my freshman orientation in 1977 they actually did tell us to look right and left as only 1 of us would likely graduate.

Oh weird, they did that when I was there too. I am sure more gen X's will try to demean me and tell me what degree I earn though.