Youngest Teams in the Country


Jun 30, 2014
School................Roster size ....................Underclassman Number (Fr., So.)......................# Frosh/Soph as a Percentage of the Entire Team
Navy......................178.............................117 (65, 52)............................................................65.7
Nebraska...............151.............................110 (71, 39)............................................................72.8
Army......................163.............................108 (66, 42)............................................................66.3
Wyoming................114............................ 96 (58, 38).............................................................84.2
Oregon...................126 ............................96 (53, 43).............................................................76.2
GT.........................117.............................93 (60, 33)............................................................. 79.4
Colorado................115.............................90 (60, 30)..............................................................78.3
Iowa State..............129.............................90 (60, 30)..............................................................69.8
Old Dominion.........111.............................88 (53, 35)..............................................................79.3
Clemson................134.............................87 (57, 30)..............................................................64.9
So how is it that after 4 rebuilding recruiting classes we were still the second youngest team in the country? I personally think this is a factor that led to TFG's (and the team's) demise. Why could we not get older?
So how is it that after 4 rebuilding recruiting classes we were still the second youngest team in the country? I personally think this is a factor that led to TFG's (and the team's) demise. Why could we not get older?
Almost everyone from those 4 recruiting classes would have been listed as a FR or SO. The free Covid year distorts how young teams appear
Almost everyone from those 4 recruiting classes would have been listed as a FR or SO. The free Covid year distorts how young teams appear
I also think when you lose people to the transfer portal (ie Gibbs, Sims, Knight, McCollum, Griffin, Walker, Lockhart, Ivey, Sanders, Camp, Yates, Amerson, Oliver, Howard, Owens, Johnson, Gleason, Bennett, Brown, Dingle, Dawson, lee.) You will be challenged with having a young team and will have the challenge of finding leaders who lead by example.

However I think CBK gets this, and why he is trying to hire solid Coaches ( Wade OL, OC, RB) At some point we need to recruit SA who wont quit and who we can coach up and develop or we will find ourselves "always young" in this transfer portal era.
How does nebraska have 151 on their roster? Isn't there a cap for total players on the roster at like 135?
How does nebraska have 151 on their roster? Isn't there a cap for total players on the roster at like 135?
Was there an exemption for Covid years? If you allowed players to stay longer, it would have hurt HS recruiting across CFB
Maybe it includes walkons?
You can only have 85 on scholarship, I was thinking 135 was the max. It looks like you can have 125 "active" players on the roster, not sure what qualifies as active and what the non-active players are allowed to do.
How does nebraska have 151 on their roster? Isn't there a cap for total players on the roster at like 135?

Just a WAG:
Schollies + COVIDs + PWOs + Real WOs + Academics + Out of Eligibilty But Trying to Graduate

They can only have so many declared players. Anyone else is ineligible.

The service academies get by because everyone is on scholarship & the NCAA probably has some sort of proviso to allow them exceptions.
You can only have 85 on scholarship, I was thinking 135 was the max. It looks like you can have 125 "active" players on the roster, not sure what qualifies as active and what the non-active players are allowed to do.

The 85 scholarship limit is a farce at this point with NIL (if it wasn’t already even before NIL). BYU had an NIL deal up and running last year to essentially pay the equivalent of a scholarship for all their walk ons. I’m sure all the factories have something similar or better by now.
We’ve been young since Gailey it seems. This thread pops up every year for the past 10-15 years.
Can’t help but think that many lower tier schools are becoming farm teams for top tier programs. We take a chance on a kid the top programs won’t take, and if he emerges as a really good player, they’ll just pick him off. That would seem to keep us almost perpetually in the catch up mode…. ☹️
Can’t help but think that many lower tier schools are becoming farm teams for top tier programs. We take a chance on a kid the top programs won’t take, and if he emerges as a really good player, they’ll just pick him off. That would seem to keep us almost perpetually in the catch up mode…. ☹
Idk that the impact is that great. It happened once last year, and once this year to high impact players that we won’t have for 1 season. We’re also able to backfill our roster with more experienced talent when needed. I’m the old days we’d be playing linebacker next year that have never seen the field; instead we have two grown men coming in at LB and should be fine there.