Your honest opinion/ regarding recruiting

I wasn't saying he doesn't have the opportunity to use them, just that we aren't and shame on us for not doing so. I was also saying, this board reads a lot like the WF and RICE boards without the historical use of exceptions.

He does use them.

80+% of the uGA football team is also on exception. And not just to get into uGA - those students would not qualify to attend a public 4 year college in Georgia without their exceptions. GT has never asked for a Board of Regents exception at that level, so I suppose we are handicapping ourselves.
He does use them.

80+% of the uGA football team is also on exception. And not just to get into uGA - those students would not qualify to attend a public 4 year college in Georgia without their exceptions. GT has never asked for a Board of Regents exception at that level, so I suppose we are handicapping ourselves.
When Johnson takes an exception it is on him if they don't pass. Y'all are looking at an exception like we take a moron in and let him take basket weaving classes at Tech. We don't have such degrees at Tech. An exception has to pass calculus at Tech. No shame on Johnson . If Tech is ever to compete with factories in recruiting they are going to have to offer easier degrees with no calculus. Period .

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Survey of Calculus : Calculus ::
Playing Halo : Coding Halo
I know you are very cerebral and have a nice watch, but maybe other schools are convincing recruits that Survey of Calculus does equal Calculus. Just maybe.
All a rival recruiter has to say is the mere word "calculus" and 90% of these kids will cross GT off
their list.
I wouldn't worry too much, guys. According to Rivals, we just offered the #1 punter in the country. So, I think we can all rest easy.
He does use them.

80+% of the uGA football team is also on exception. And not just to get into uGA - those students would not qualify to attend a public 4 year college in Georgia without their exceptions. GT has never asked for a Board of Regents exception at that level, so I suppose we are handicapping ourselves.

"exceptions" means kids with less than what the standards the AA has been shackled with. Probably more than 80% of our signees are exceptions vs the standards for regular students.
No, exception means they don't meet the minimum entrance requirements of the school
"exceptions" means kids with less than what the standards the AA has been shackled with. Probably more than 80% of our signees are exceptions vs the standards for regular students.

No, exception means they don't meet the minimum entrance requirements of the school

You're both right. The first type of exception is an Institute imposed exception for minimum admission requirements. Those exceptions are granted by GT, which grants CPJ gets as many as he wants (though he loses the right if his exceptions start failing out of Tech - but that's not good for him, either).

The second exception is when the student fails to meet the Georgia requirements to enter a 4 year college (either by GPA, SAT score, or failing to take the appropriate high school classes). Those exceptions are granted by the Board of Regents. GT hasn't gone there, but uGA submits an annual list. That's how a player who was functionally illiterate was admitted to uGA. Hell, the SAT requirement is only 830/1600 (400 Math, 430 CR).

All a rival recruiter has to say is the mere word "calculus" and 90% of these kids will cross GT off their list.

Then GT's recruiters need to do a better job marketing that not all majors take Calculus, and the majors that require it (Engineering, Science, Math, etc.) are majors where you'd take Calculus at any school.
Whoa. It's pretty pathetic when u creep at a level to where u get noticed by a sting operation.
For all the butthurt on StingTalk about missing on a recruit, sometimes things work out for the best. Does anyone remember an offensive lineman named Mack Crowder that we recruited and lost to Tennessee?

The fact that guys we offer but don't end up getting seem to get arrested at like 10x the rate of guys that actually come to GT really speaks volumes about the environment at GT, IMO. I feel like at least one or two guys every year who GT recruited does something crazy like this.