OL Jordan Johnson decommits

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Doesn't really matter to me if the cop was a dick or the recruit was being an ass. If at all possible (per NCAA rules) GT should have someone with the recruits and their familys hanging around to make sure this thing never got wings in the first place. They all usually sit in one area I believe. It's silly there isn't one or two ppl hanging around to keep an eye out already.

You mean like recruiting hostesses?
Well kids that age will act immature sometimes. Doesn't necessarily mean they are no good are not meant to be at GT. Hopefully, later he'll realize he was being a jerk and learn from it.

I agree that a high school kid will push the envelope due in part to immaturity; but if the latest on this story is true, his mom is a real jerk who must feel some sort of entitlement because her son is being recruited. Sorry to call out some dude's mom; but mom should know to sit in her free seats.
The recruits sit in 111 by us. There are a number of personnel sitting with them. But for a game like UGA, when every recruit for multiple sports wants to come, they can't all get their own personal babysitter. And they should not need one.

Glad we got rid of this kid before he signed his letter.

I can see where it is tough logistically like the above poster said. I don't believe it is impossible. You invite these guys as a guest you have some accountability in what they do. If the kid was an ass I'm fine with him leaving.
He's butthurt that the cop doesn't care who he is or if he commits? sounds like a ööööö, we dont need any more of those on the OL

This is honestly my first take as well, not knowing anything else about the situation.
If the update is accurate:

1) Cop was a douchebag.
2) Still don't understand how he was racially profiled.
3) Threatening a random GTPD officer with decommitment and then citing the officer's apathy as a reason you're decommitting seems really, really stupid.

This is my read on the current link in the OP.
This is my read on the current link in the OP.

Check out post #97. Poster was an eye-witness, corroborates the other stories that the ordeal did not at all go down the way Johnson claims.

Or the short version is that whichever version is true, decommitting over this is really stupid and his behavior during and since the incident would seem to indicate that we're probably better off without him.
Doesn't really matter to me if the cop was a dick or the recruit was being an ass. If at all possible (per NCAA rules) GT should have someone with the recruits and their familys hanging around to make sure this thing never got wings in the first place. They all usually sit in one area I believe. It's silly there isn't one or two ppl hanging around to keep an eye out already.

Apparently there was one and she tried to diffuse the situation but the Johnson family wasn't having it.
I am old fart, y'all know that. I'm not so old, however, that I don't remember some really, really dumb stuff I said and did as a kid. Kids do that. Dunno why, but they do. Call it brain damage, or, more probably, slow brain development. It takes a good while longer for our brains to develop than the rest of our bodies.

Adults, OTOH, what's our excuse? What is an excuse for fully developed adults who needlessly become confrontational, either in person or behind a computer keyboard. I haven't quite figured that one out yet.

When attitudes collide, people often get hurt emotionally and/or physically. Let's not add to the situation by throwing either side under the bus, at least until all the facts are known. And let's not complicate CPJ's or Jordan's near-term future by jumping to quick conclusions. IOW, let's chill...at least for now.
Since when do the GTPD handle seating problems that do not involve altercations, drunks, etc? I thought we paid a lot of money to those people in the yellow shirts/jackets to handle those situations.

Well, the big winner here is sewak. CPJ has now found a fall guy to deflect any blame away from jello boy..
Giff Smith wouldn't allow this tomfoolery I tell ya that right now.
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