New jerseys

I can live with the jerseys, but I don't think I'll ever be happy with the pants.
Excepting the striped stuff. Those look like old school Tech uniforms. White jerseys, mustard gold pants, white socks, and black shoes.

Seems to me it was a compromise between the old and the new.
Excepting the striped stuff. Those look like old school Tech uniforms. White jerseys, mustard gold pants, white socks, and black shoes.

Seems to me it was a compromise between the old and the new.

That's what I was thinking. I think they look good. I'm sure the navy and gold jerseys look ok too.
FWIW, we old, set in our ways old men are the ones donating a lot of the money that helps to pay for the kids' scholarships. It's nice that the jocks have a say in picking the uniforms but please don't dismiss the likes and desires of we older alums so cavalierly , OK?
The jerseys look good... but them pants look a HOT MESS!!!!!!!!!!!! They look like a big french fry lol.
I would have preferred traditional striping on the pants. But, all in all not too bad. To tell the truth, any uniform with GT on it looks better to me than any uniform without it.

Over the years I have probably liked the traditional gold pants, white jerseys, gold helmets the best; the Bud Carson gold jerseys with the white helmets that we wore as throwbacks second; and the Vegas gold of the past few years third.

My least favorites were:
#3 - navy jerseys
#2 - black jerseys
#1 - those horrible "pee green" gold jerseys Pepper had them wear in '76. Just awful.
After seeing them at fan day, I think they are the sharpest looking jersey's I've seen us wear. The old gold and blue look really good together.

I understand some folks may not like the style. Heck, I am not sure If I like the style, but they truly look good when you see them on the players out in the sunshine.
I really don't believe that they're quite as "Yellow" as these pictures make them look.
FWIW, we old, set in our ways old men are the ones donating a lot of the money that helps to pay for the kids' scholarships. It's nice that the jocks have a say in picking the uniforms but please don't dismiss the likes and desires of we older alums so cavalierly , OK?

I appreciate the thought, but it's not like all of you guys agree on colors and uniforms. How do you decide then? Whomever donates the most?
I appreciate the thought, but it's not like all of you guys agree on colors and uniforms. How do you decide then? Whomever donates the most?
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Everyone thinks they have some sort of entitlement to decide certain things about the program and that their answer is what's best. If the alums ought to have a say in what the players wear, they should probably get to vote on what sort of offense we'd run. 24 hours after that vote was taken there'd be headlines up and down the AJC asking "What the **** is a belly series?"

Then again, it'd be a damn good way to get the Quad-Option Reverse Calamari Surprise implemented.
Oh no, change at Georgia Tech. Lets go with the uniforms from the 1930's and yeah lets wear leather helmets too. While we are at it, let try to win with all white players because desegregation never should have occurred.

Get over it! This is for the players, not a bunch of set in their ways, middle age, wonder bread eating white men.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Too bad some jerks cannot express theirs without insulting others
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Too bad some jerks cannot express theirs without insulting others
Typically, the issue is not with the opinion being expressed but with the sensitivity of the person receiving it.