First they came for the fight song...


Oct 18, 2002
From the GT faculty senate on 2/23/21:
  • The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from “cheer” to “join.” The intent behind the change is to signal inclusion of women at Georgia Tech.
  • The Faculty Senate also voted in support of a broader review of the fight song.
  • For more information:
Seems like this is an old initiative rearing its ugly head again, as the "opposing initiative" linked from the page above is from 5 years ago. (The "leave it alone" petition got 2572 signatures, while the "change it" petition had/has 1699 signatures.)

I guess they'll keep bringing this up periodically until all the traditionalists are dead.

Probably much more likely to succeed this time around, unfortunately.
This makes absolutely no logical sense. Both the daughter and the son are cheering. Backdoor way to chip away at it one stupid thing at a time. But I'm sure it's not a slippery slope and 5 years from now we won't be talking about how wrong it is to assume your children's gender so glibly.

F these people
Go Jackets
So moron faculty members want to do this? Why does anyone give two shits what they think? I'd like to see who is on this board and get an accounting of how many baseball, basketball, and football games they have attended - which is the use of the fight song. I guarantee you none have attended as many as I have and I didn't even attend Tech. Better start worrying about your fans.

Faculty members are nothing but paid workers there to teach courses and do some research. Stay out of GT history and sports.
So moron faculty members want to do this? Why does anyone give two öööös what they think? I'd like to see who is on this board and get an accounting of how many baseball, basketball, and football games they have attended - which is the use of the fight song. I guarantee you none have attended as many as I have and I didn't even attend Tech. Better start worrying about your fans.

Faculty members are nothing but paid workers there to teach courses and do some research. Stay out of GT history and sports.
Nice flex, I too don’t want the song changed.
From the GT faculty senate on 2/23/21:
  • The Faculty Senate voted to support a proposal to change one word in Georgia Tech’s fight song from “cheer” to “join.” The intent behind the change is to signal inclusion of women at Georgia Tech.
  • The Faculty Senate also voted in support of a broader review of the fight song.
  • For more information:
Seems like this is an old initiative rearing its ugly head again, as the "opposing initiative" linked from the page above is from 5 years ago. (The "leave it alone" petition got 2572 signatures, while the "change it" petition had/has 1699 signatures.)

I guess they'll keep bringing this up periodically until all the traditionalists are dead.

Why is the petition to change the lyrics on the Tech official website but the counter petition is not?