Tennessee taking NIL to the next level


Varsity Lurker
Aug 4, 2003
If this passes the bagman can sit next to the coach in the recruit's living room and they can talk more about payments than about football and education.

I don't see how it's legal for schools to be involved up front because one of the main NIL rules is that it can't be a "pay-for-play" situation where a person is required to sign with a particular school.
I don't see how it's legal for schools to be involved up front because one of the main NIL rules is that it can't be a "pay-for-play" situation where a person is required to sign with a particular school.

But isn't that exactly what it is? The NCAA still trying to pretend at this point? So, we are supposed to believe that the recruit signs with a school and then "explores" NIL opportunities? :rotfl:
I don't see how it's legal for schools to be involved up front because one of the main NIL rules is that it can't be a "pay-for-play" situation where a person is required to sign with a particular school.
That would require the NCAA to have power still, and its clear they don't.
So now states are competing with each other to make NIL in their state more attractive than elsewhere. What could possibly go wrong? We are in for many years of chaos here. So which states laws apply to a particular recruitment, those of the state where the player lives or those of the state of the "school" recruiting the player?
Already have my season tix bought, but I think if I didn't already have them I probably wouldn't buy. I have no idea anymore, outside of a few positions, who is even on our team. Eventually, I'm not going to care who is on our team.
Already have my season tix bought, but I think if I didn't already have them I probably wouldn't buy. I have no idea anymore, outside of a few positions, who is even on our team. Eventually, I'm not going to care who is on our team.

I am at this point as well. The game of college football is set to implode in the near future - and I don't even want to be around when it happens.
Why would the State of Tennessee legislature spend their time trying to pass legislation like this?
Have you seen a lot of the laws passed these days? Seems like none of them have anything to do with actually running a government and everything to do with whatever will get them the most votes the next election. I look at it as we the voters are the actual problem since shit laws like this actually earn them votes. Anyway, probably a discussion for a different forum than football. Back to football...
Already have my season tix bought, but I think if I didn't already have them I probably wouldn't buy. I have no idea anymore, outside of a few positions, who is even on our team. Eventually, I'm not going to care who is on our team.
I think this is the future of CFB. Only the SEC and maybe a few other well-financed players will actually care about it anymore. The rest of us will find something else to entertain us on Saturdays. I've actually become very interested in FCS its purity. I never realized how good those players are too until my son became a HS football player this year and started paying close attention to recruits from other teams. I used to think of FCS as terrible players but now I realize they are still the stars among stars at the HS level. It's crazy how good you have to be to play D1 ball.
Have you seen a lot of the laws passed these days? Seems like none of them have anything to do with actually running a government and everything to do with whatever will get them the most votes the next election. I look at it as we the voters are the actual problem since öööö laws like this actually earn them votes. Anyway, probably a discussion for a different forum than football. Back to football...

This is something I have been saying for years with regard to term limits. I am all for term limits, but lawmakers are not going to pass a law limiting themselves. The problem isn't lack of term limits, the problem lies in the electorate that continues to vote the same representatives into office term in and term out.

...now back to Tennessee taking NIL to the next level.
Already have my season tix bought, but I think if I didn't already have them I probably wouldn't buy. I have no idea anymore, outside of a few positions, who is even on our team. Eventually, I'm not going to care who is on our team.

I was already at this point and did not renew for all reasons mentioned in several threads/posts. I walked away from pro sports save the Braves here and there or a golf major. I was REALLY hoping college football would not go this route and they did. It is not the same game and I feel like I am not pulling for our Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets with what is on the field. There is no long term commitment by a vast number of players and after a year or two as many as half the team will consistently be gone. I will miss those glorious cool Fall days when all day Saturday you could go tailgate, cheer for GT, and then catch all the other games on TV. I know I am not alone because of comments by others and the fact that since I informed my ticket rep I was not returning, he has called me, texted me, and emailed me no less than 10 times to reconsider. College football is on life support so it seems and I hope it can be revived sooner rather than later somehow.
So now states are competing with each other to make NIL in their state more attractive than elsewhere. What could possibly go wrong? We are in for many years of chaos here. So which states laws apply to a particular recruitment, those of the state where the player lives or those of the state of the "school" recruiting the player?
It just means more...

A pathetic comedy
Is the college football bubble about to pop?
I'm trying to find the silver lining in this, so here goes:

If any states pass laws giving them a recruiting advantage, you can bet the Ga Legislature will pass whatever it takes to let UGA complete.

We will get the same NIL laws as UGA. now it is on us fans and boosters to raise the cash to compete. we can buy players legally. Time to put up or shutup.
Already have my season tix bought, but I think if I didn't already have them I probably wouldn't buy. I have no idea anymore, outside of a few positions, who is even on our team. Eventually, I'm not going to care who is on our team.

I don’t think I’m renewing next year. I went from recruiting fanaticism since I started at Tech to losing complete interest overnight with the departure of Gibbs. Anybody we ever get that’s any good is just going to leave for more money under this new system.

College baseball hasn’t been completely poisoned yet and Tech is still a major brand. I’ve found myself shifting a lot more focus over to the diamond.