Clay Travis says every ACC school wants out

rocky top buzz

Varsity Lurker
Apr 24, 2016

Take it for what it's worth, but he references a potential exit for schools who want to leave:

" if a majority of the ACC schools vote to end the grant of rights then in theory the ACC’s grant of rights disappears. So all those rumored tens of millions of dollars keeping the ACC from splitting up? It’s dangling over a precarious foundation, as soon as seven or eight schools have better options the ACC as we know it vanishes."

There are 2 thoughts on this. 1, could 8 schools really vote to end the GOR and eliminate the exit fee? I'm not sure that is correct and it may require a unanimous vote. 2, this one is really bigger, if even 1 school wants to leave the ACC< would we agree that is 1 more than the number of schools wanting to leave the SEC or B1G?

Take it for what it's worth, but he references a potential exit for schools who want to leave:

" if a majority of the ACC schools vote to end the grant of rights then in theory the ACC’s grant of rights disappears. So all those rumored tens of millions of dollars keeping the ACC from splitting up? It’s dangling over a precarious foundation, as soon as seven or eight schools have better options the ACC as we know it vanishes."

There are 2 thoughts on this. 1, could 8 schools really vote to end the GOR and eliminate the exit fee? I'm not sure that is correct and it may require a unanimous vote. 2, this one is really bigger, if even 1 school wants to leave the ACC< would we agree that is 1 more than the number of schools wanting to leave the SEC or B1G?

Mizzou would jump to the B1G if they had an offer.
I gotta think that the NC schools do not want out of the ACC.

They will not get the preferential treatment they have gotten in another conference.

Preferential treatment might not be worth tens of millions of dollars a year to them.

Take it for what it's worth, but he references a potential exit for schools who want to leave:

" if a majority of the ACC schools vote to end the grant of rights then in theory the ACC’s grant of rights disappears. So all those rumored tens of millions of dollars keeping the ACC from splitting up? It’s dangling over a precarious foundation, as soon as seven or eight schools have better options the ACC as we know it vanishes."

There are 2 thoughts on this. 1, could 8 schools really vote to end the GOR and eliminate the exit fee? I'm not sure that is correct and it may require a unanimous vote. 2, this one is really bigger, if even 1 school wants to leave the ACC< would we agree that is 1 more than the number of schools wanting to leave the SEC or B1G?
The GOR does not specify how many schools are required to void it. It does not even specify which state's law will be applied. I have seen better written agreements generated by LegalZoom.
Can't tell if trolling or serious. Who is Clay Travis?

He's a sports talker; much more of a hot take pundit type than a guy who is actually going to have sources and inside info. I don't doubt that several ACC schools are interested in leaving, but you can't leave without a landing spot and I don't think there are 8 landing spots right now. If the ACC dies, it will probably be a slow bleed, rather than a sudden trauma.
He's a sports talker; much more of a hot take pundit type than a guy who is actually going to have sources and inside info. I don't doubt that several ACC schools are interested in leaving, but you can't leave without a landing spot and I don't think there are 8 landing spots right now. If the ACC dies, it will probably be a slow bleed, rather than a sudden trauma.

A lot of people are saying something along these lines, that there aren't 8 schools these conferences would be interested in. Based on what we've seen with OU/UT and USC/UCLA, that would seem logical, but I've got a different take on it. Who else in the B12 or PAC are these conferences going to fight over? OU is an attractive option, but does the SEC want to throw their regional traveling logistics in the shitter over 1 team? Without USC being in the fold, better to wait and see. And who in the B12 is worth grabbing up outside of UT and OU? SEC isn't in a rush for anyone else, why should the B1G? My guess is the B1G is probably on the phone with UT & ND trying to see what can be done to lure those brands. And the SEC is probably probably doing the same thing with USC & ND.

Meanwhile the (southern) ACC features several prestigious academic institutions in large football hungry media markets, all of which offer up the most fertile recruiting grounds in the country. Is the B1G well positioned enough to be competitive longterm without a foothold in the south? I don't necessarily buy the idea that the SEC will feel compelled to keep the B1G "out", but their business model is based on being really good at football. Do they feel confident enough in their product long term to let the B1G become the "national" conference with a significant southern presence?

All the western school options aren't going anywhere, so unless they add more to the pie than they eat, there's no rush to add them. The southern ACC schools offer more than just media dollars. Would tOSU and Michigan and PSU be happy to get (potentially) a few less dollars a year if it meant having a national presence and a permanent foothold in the Georgia and Florida recruiting hotbeds? That could compel these conferences to take entire blocks of ACC schools, not just 1 or 2. UM, FSU, GT, Clemson, UNC, NCSt, UVA, and VT all look like attractive options for the B1G/SEC in my estimation, but maybe that's bias and wishful thinking on my end.
I totally disagree. I do a lot of business in Columbia, those guys love being in the SEC.

I get a different read from my high school alums and people I know who went to Mizzou. They could care less about the sec ‘rivalries’. They view it as a redneck conference uninterested in even pretending to be ‘college’ teams.

The fans in KC might miss the occasional game in Arkansas, but they got left out in the cold when the school left the Big12. The fans in StL would prefer drives to Illinois, NW, Purdue, and IU. Plenty of overlap there in alumni bases. Lots of kids from my HS went to those schools (and Iowa/Wisc/Mich). Very few went south. Having those connections is part of what makes college sports interesting, having friends who went to the other schools.

B1G money would mean academic money too.

Mizzou fans are happy they got into the sec, rather than getting stuck in the B12.
I get a different read from my high school alums and people I know who went to Mizzou. They could care less about the sec ‘rivalries’. They view it as a redneck conference uninterested in even pretending to be ‘college’ teams.

The fans in KC might miss the occasional game in Arkansas, but they got left out in the cold when the school left the Big12. The fans in StL would prefer drives to Illinois, NW, Purdue, and IU. Plenty of overlap there in alumni bases. Lots of kids from my HS went to those schools (and Iowa/Wisc/Mich). Very few went south. Having those connections is part of what makes college sports interesting, having friends who went to the other schools.

B1G money would mean academic money too.

Mizzou fans are happy they got into the sec, rather than getting stuck in the B12.

You're mostly right. Mizzou would trade SEC for B1G in a heartbeat. The irony being that in B1G they would easily be the most "redneck" school and it's not even close. Mizzou is not some paragon of academic reputation. That's not a bad thing, they are the flagship state university of a largely low growth rural state, STL and KC notwithstanding.
If Clemson and FSU (and others) move the needle enough, the SEC and/or B10 are going to move in and take them and enough other teams necessary to vote away the ACC penalties.