Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

Wait, I thought we hired Key on the cheap so we could hire top flight coordinators, but we are keeping Thacker and promoting Weinke?

I can't wait to witness the mental gymnastics to justify this. :popcorn2:

Thacker is good. Once he got that monkey off his back he did great and the stats reflect it.

Key can hire who he wants and there’s really no reason to clean house just for the sake of it.
Wait, I thought we hired Key on the cheap so we could hire top flight coordinators, but we are keeping Thacker and promoting Weinke?

I can't wait to witness the mental gymnastics to justify this. :popcorn2:
Alternate take: we hired Key on the cheap so that we could save money for a few years, fix our broke-ness, then either higher a bigger badder coach if Key fails or top flight coordinators if he does not.
So, I'm in favor of keeping Thacker due to the improvement shown after clown left, but aside from this correlative evidence, why do some think clown was specifically holding Thacker's defense back? I'm just curious if there is anything specific that can be pointed too. I get it if the argument is simply pre-clown vs post-clown performance, but I'm just curious if anyone has anything else to go on for this assertion.
So, I'm in favor of keeping Thacker due to the improvement shown after clown left, but aside from this correlative evidence, why do some think clown was specifically holding Thacker's defense back? I'm just curious if there is anything specific that can be pointed too. I get it if the argument is simply pre-clown vs post-clown performance, but I'm just curious if anyone has anything else to go on for this assertion.
From what I recall, we started blitzing a lot more post-collins. I could be wrong, but if not then there's that angle of defensive playcalling.
So, I'm in favor of keeping Thacker due to the improvement shown after clown left, but aside from this correlative evidence, why do some think clown was specifically holding Thacker's defense back? I'm just curious if there is anything specific that can be pointed too. I get it if the argument is simply pre-clown vs post-clown performance, but I'm just curious if anyone has anything else to go on for this assertion.
I think (and I don’t know shit) that the practices were a disorganized, undisciplined, unorganized mess that were probably a lot of fun with DJ Wick Whack laying down phat beats, etc.

Key chucked all that nonsense in the can and changed to a model of accountability and discipline and structure and when the players saw it they realized it was exactly what they needed.

I have no inside scoop or anything. Just my speculation
Also speculating, but did we look like we've gotten in better shape over the past 4 years? Are our guys getting stronger, faster, and better physically equipped to play football? Hype and motivational messages are all well and good, as is looking stronger and more jacked, but we need to be conditioned to play football, and I don't know that we were. I may be wrong. Maybe Key is just clearing out all the GC debris he can and it doesn't go beyond that.
The one glaring thing that never failed the eye test is that our guys weren’t faster than ANYONE we played. That is very telling imho.
Our defense went from #100 to #30 in the time Key became interim. We haven't had a rank like that since 2008. Either that's the craziest streak of luck ever, or Thacker is actually good and he needs to be kept. If we could match that up with an OC that could rank #50 or better, we could actually be...good.
Our defense went from #100 to #30 in the time Key became interim. We haven't had a rank like that since 2008. Either that's the craziest streak of luck ever, or Thacker is actually good and he needs to be kept. If we could match that up with an OC that could rank #50 or better, we could actually be...good.

Do you think any of that had to do with us playing 3 of the 4 hardest games on the schedule to start the season or nah?