GT v. FSU in Ireland 2024

Been there, done that .... with BC. It was a fun time, so I would consider going again, but I would rather beat them in Atlanta.
I want to beat them in Atlanta, then fly to Ireland that night and beat them again in Dublin the next morning. Then fly to London, Metz, Munich, Barcelona, Gibraltar, Rome, Bratislava, Sparta and Istanbul and beat them again and again over the course of two weeks. Then fly back home to beat Clemson.
Serious question -- Does anyone remember, did season ticket holders get ireland tickets last time as part of the season ticket package, or did we have to buy separately? Wondering if I should reserve tickets now via the GT2Ireland website.
Sucks to lose that home game.
This was my first thought. I'm genuinely happy that everyone is excited, but I'm at least a little annoyed that this seems to be a running theme, finding ways to play erstwhile home games elsewhere when the benefits are presumably not visible from my vantage on the sidewalk.
This was my first thought. I'm genuinely happy that everyone is excited, but I'm at least a little annoyed that this seems to be a running theme, finding ways to play erstwhile home games elsewhere when the benefits are presumably not visible from my vantage on the sidewalk.
Trying to lure that next punter into the fold, maybe?
This was my first thought. I'm genuinely happy that everyone is excited, but I'm at least a little annoyed that this seems to be a running theme, finding ways to play erstwhile home games elsewhere when the benefits are presumably not visible from my vantage on the sidewalk.
6 games in Ireland in 2025.
This was my first thought. I'm genuinely happy that everyone is excited, but I'm at least a little annoyed that this seems to be a running theme, finding ways to play erstwhile home games elsewhere when the benefits are presumably not visible from my vantage on the sidewalk.
Would have much preferred it be Wake, BC, Cuse, etc. Losing a marquee/regional home game so you can play in a country that won’t give two fucks about either team on the field was a poor choice.

I would have declined this game TBH. At some point someone in the GT office needs to think about improving what they are offering fans. And selling off home games in BDS isn’t going to help you engage a new fanbase.
Serious question -- Does anyone remember, did season ticket holders get ireland tickets last time as part of the season ticket package, or did we have to buy separately? Wondering if I should reserve tickets now via the GT2Ireland website.
No. It was an optional game in the ST package, but we had first dibs
Would have much preferred it be Wake, BC, Cuse, etc. Losing a marquee/regional home game so you can play in a country that won’t give two öööös about either team on the field was a poor choice.
I don't disagree with your argument, but we will get more national coverage in Dublin than we would in coverage too.
I don't disagree with your argument, but we will get more national coverage in Dublin than we would in coverage too.

Like when the Thursday night games started about 35-40 years ago, it's the only American football game on US TV at 7 or 8AM on Saturday morning. Just like the NFL & MLB games in London, the Dublin games attract a lot of US ex-pats & service members living or stationed in Europe who just want to see US sports live.

Have been to a couple of NFL games at Wembley and the crowd seemed about 50% US-50% not. Probably half of the US contingent came from the continent, especially from the USAF & USA bases. I expect a lot of Yanks to be there who just want to see a slice of home.

It could also be a recruiting tool saying "You'll get to travel and play on an international stage. Oh by the way, do you have a passport?" On the flipside, that'll eliminate a lot of players' parents from attending, even if Aer Lingus and Delta provide special rates, flights and hotel accommodations. I suspect the GT Alumni Association Travel Office (Link Added) will probably set something up as well.

Now get off my lawn!