öööö you Paul Johnson

Hold on let me dig up the email Bobinski CC'd me on where he said he wanted to fire coach Johnson.
Where is the evidence that our last AD was against Johnson?

Where has Johnson said he wants to achieve something at GT?

Where is evidence of our last AD at all? He left the place in disarray precisely because of his complete lack of involvement in the entire GTAA.

Paul has been fighting to get academic exceptions and recruiting staff his entire tenure at GT. He sets goals for the team every year that include winning the ACC, and just last week he was trying to tell us all how you get from where we are to being one of the big boys, and everyone shit on him because we're all hyper geniuses who think we have better answers. The guy clearly cares, but apparently he hasn't signed a mission statement and posted it in the coffee room, so öööö him.
Where is evidence of our last AD at all? He left the place in disarray precisely because of his complete lack of involvement in the entire GTAA.

Paul has been fighting to get academic exceptions and recruiting staff his entire tenure at GT. He sets goals for the team every year that include winning the ACC, and just last week he was trying to tell us all how you get from where we are to being one of the big boys, and everyone öööö on him because we're all hyper geniuses who think we have better answers. The guy clearly cares, but apparently he hasn't signed a mission statement and posted it in the coffee room, so öööö him.

So his goal is to win the ACC every year, and we have done that how many times? How have his actions made us a perrenial contender?

Academic exceptions, additional curriculum, and additional recruiting staff in the past 5 years have netted exactly 0 ACC championships.

I will ask again: where does Johnson say he wants to take the program and what is the evidence he is taking it there?

Your answer is the he wants to be a perennial ACC champion, and the evidence is that his plan isn't doing so.
He's taken us to an ACC title game 3 out of 9 years, or once every three years. I thinks that's pretty solid. Do you honestly expect us to be in the championship game more frequently than that?
So his goal is to win the ACC every year, and we have done that how many times? How have his actions made us a perrenial contender?

Academic expcetions, additional curriculum, and additional recruiting staff in the past 5 years have netted exactly 0 ACC championships.

I will ask again: where does Johnson say he wants to take the program and what is the evidence he is taking it there?

Your answer is the he wants to be a perennial ACC champion, and the evidence is that his plan isn't doing so.

We won the ACC in 2009. You're either being intentionally dense, or I'm arguing with a lawyer here. Either way, you're wasting my time.

As I said before, Paul pretty much told us all, plain and simple, how to get where you want us to be, just last week. How does that not meet your standard for "saying where he wants to take the program"?

Your question of whether "he's taking it there" is also, as I said before, not relevant, because the coach can not take the program anywhere on his own. CPJ doesn't have control of the budget, and even if he did, our book is a disaster right now that nobody is going to straighten out any time soon. We're still servicing debt on an expansion we didn't need, and we're still paying at least two coaches we don't even have. Our previous AD hardly did any fund raising in his three years, to boot. We need an AD who is going to raise funds and dig us out of the hole before anybody gets to build anything.

If you think that's not true then tell me exactly what CPJ could even possibly "build" right now, on his own, given our resources.
He's taken us to an ACC title game 3 out of 9 years, or once every three years. I thinks that's pretty solid. Do you honestly expect us to be in the championship game more frequently than that?

Let's throw 2012 out, unless you consider 7-6 and an odd, outside shot at a championship game a legitimate feat and momentum building statement.

Johnson wants to be in the ACCCG every year, and his latest complaint is that facilities can't help him do that.

In 2011, D Rad gave CPJ a state of the art indoor practice facility.

Before the facility CPJ averaged 8.6 wins per season and had an ACC Championship.

Since the facility, CPJ averages 7.5 games per season and has 0 championships.

Where is the evidence CPJ is moving toward his goal?
We won the ACC in 2009. You're either being intentionally dense, or I'm arguing with a lawyer here. Either way, you're wasting my time.

As I said before, Paul pretty much told us all, plain and simple, how to get where you want us to be, just last week. How does that not meet your standard for "saying where he wants to take the program"?

Your question of whether "he's taking it there" is also, as I said before, not relevant, because the coach can not take the program anywhere on his own. CPJ doesn't have control of the budget, and even if he did, our book is a disaster right now that nobody is going to straighten out any time soon. We're still servicing debt on an expansion we didn't need, and we're still paying at least two coaches we don't even have. Our previous AD hardly did any fund raising in his three years, to boot. We need an AD who is going to raise funds and dig us out of the hole before anybody gets to build anything.

If you think that's not true then tell me exactly what CPJ could even possibly "build" right now, on his own, given our resources.

CPJ told us last week facilities would take us toward competing. Our major facilities expansion in his time has netted no result; so has expanding the recruiting staff and loosening academic restrictions. Johnson has done nothing with what has been given to him.

Show me how CPJ is so disadvantaged as you claim he is.
GT has an indoor practice field. Miami does not....GT is disadvantaged significantly.
CPJ told us last week facilities would take us toward competing. Our major facilities expansion in his time has netted no result; so has expanding the recruiting staff and loosening academic restrictions. Johnson has done nothing with what has been given to him.

Show me how CPJ is so disadvantaged as you claim he is.

You're moving the goalposts every single time I answer you. First it's "Show me where he said he cares", then it's "prove that he's doing something that indicates caring", then it's "show me that his efforts are improving the situation", now it's "show me his disadvantages." Welcome to the current conversation the rest of the board was having last week, glad you could catch up. If you can't see the program level disadvantages between us and VT, UNC, UGA, and Miami, I can't help you. If you think the only time you should ever lose a football game is when you have program level disadvantages, I can't help you. Football is a game with a lot of randomness in it, played by totally unreliable people. You win some you should lose, you lose some you should win, good coaches have bad seasons, bad coaches have good seasons, nobody on the planet has it down to a science. Gene Chizik won the national championship and even Saban loses a game a year.

I am in no way satisfied with the product on the field at the moment. I am in no way satisfied with the direction of the program at the moment. CPJ is the right guy to blame for the first, he's the wrong guy to blame for the second, and the reasons you seem to be trying to use to blame him for either or both are way, way off. The guy cares, he's really competitive, and he's a pretty smart dude. We've had enough time watching and listening to him that these things are pretty damn obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. He's got flaws as a coach, and big ones, but if you're not having candid conversations with him over lunch every day then your little psychoanalytical deduction of the sudden emergence of character issues is just garbage. Call him bad at his job, call him overpaid, but call a spade a spade and don't make shit up. That's all I've got to say about it.
he's in sustainment mode. there's no more building. the program is what it is.

he'll keep up his average ~7.5 wins just like Gailey. Johnson just has a higher stddev, so there will occasionally be some 2014s and 2015s.

Okay, maybe I'm drunk or whatever, It seems like Diseqc is posting this as an insult, but truthfully it's not all that bad a deal. It's better than 75% of the ACC easily.
You're moving the goalposts every single time I answer you. First it's "Show me where he said he cares", then it's "prove that he's doing something that indicates caring", then it's "show me that his efforts are improving the situation", now it's "show me his disadvantages." Welcome to the current conversation the rest of the board was having last week, glad you could catch up. If you can't see the program level disadvantages between us and VT, UNC, UGA, and Miami, I can't help you. If you think the only time you should ever lose a football game is when you have program level disadvantages, I can't help you. Football is a game with a lot of randomness in it, played by totally unreliable people. You win some you should lose, you lose some you should win, good coaches have bad seasons, bad coaches have good seasons, nobody on the planet has it down to a science. Gene Chizik won the national championship and even Saban loses a game a year.

I am in no way satisfied with the product on the field at the moment. I am in no way satisfied with the direction of the program at the moment. CPJ is the right guy to blame for the first, he's the wrong guy to blame for the second, and the reasons you seem to be trying to use to blame him for either or both are way, way off. The guy cares, he's really competitive, and he's a pretty smart dude. We've had enough time watching and listening to him that these things are pretty damn obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. He's got flaws as a coach, and big ones, but if you're not having candid conversations with him over lunch every day then your little psychoanalytical deduction of the sudden emergence of character issues is just garbage. Call him bad at his job, call him overpaid, but call a spade a spade and don't make öööö up. That's all I've got to say about it.

I haven't moved anything. I asked for proof Johnson was moving toward something. You said his goal was to win the ACC every year. I asked for proof, and gave his most recent complaint as example of failure to move in that direction. You were the one that clarified the direction, not me.

Then you said he had disadvantages he can't overcome. I asked for proof. You said I moved the goalposts and failed to provide any evidence.

All I need is the proof. You say Johnson wants to win the ACC every year. I say he isn't getting us closer. How about instead of conjecture you actually back up your claims.
My question: Where has Johnson said he wants to achieve something at GT?
Where has Johnson said he wants to achieve something at GT?

Your response: Johnson says he wants to win the ACC every year, and has taken steps to do so
Paul has been fighting to get academic exceptions and recruiting staff his entire tenure at GT. He sets goals for the team every year that include winning the ACC, and just last week he was trying to tell us all how you get from where we are to being one of the big boys

My response: Johnson's steps to win the ACC haven't worked.
Johnson wants to be in the ACCCG every year, and his latest complaint is that facilities can't help him do that.

In 2011, D Rad gave CPJ a state of the art indoor practice facility.

Before the facility CPJ averaged 8.6 wins per season and had an ACC Championship.

Since the facility, CPJ averages 7.5 games per season and has 0 championships.

Where is the evidence CPJ is moving toward his goal?

Your response: You're moving the goal posts
You're moving the goalposts every single time I answer you.

You say Johnson wants to win the ACC every year and has taken steps to do so. I give you our record since he has started taking those steps. It is in decline since the period before he started taking those steps. Either provide evidence that CPJ's hurdles are simply too hard to overcome or admit that his plan to win the ACC every year isn't working, and it isn't even close.
We need a new weight room, that is what Johnson was carping about. Frankly, I get it. GTAA has enough money to build a ööööing woman's softball field on extremely valuable campus land yet we can't upgrade the weight room? Then there is that new tennis facility for a sport nobody likely even knows we play except when we have a hot chick.

Why couldn't they (softball) have played at RCS or are the dimensions different?
The 3O offense, nor the coaching was the problem today. OP, you're an idiot.
Are you retarded...how about the 4th and 1 playcall where we run straight into the largest tub of goo Pitt has...its physics baby...and PJ doesn't know she-ite about that.
If what we get with 8 years of CPJ is 3 great years, 4 average ones, and one bad one, sign me up for more of that. Every program in the country, even ones with much more talent, have down years. There's a reason our bowl streak was one of the longest in the country.

In today's world, almost any team with a heartbeat goes to a bowl. Big deal.

Without beating your main competition you are building nothing.

We Can Not Do That.
Wow, talk about trolling... Scion even getting under my skin. Nice try This is Atlanta. You don't have to prove shit to him.
Who are you going to replace Johnson with? Saban might win 7 games with our self-inflicted restrictions.