“Big Announcement in the Near Future”

He shot his load. He's spent.
It's an edge center announcement, but I love the Urban Meyer joke
So he made coffee, picked up something off of TStan’s desk that was mostly done, and put his name on it instead?

Gonna be lots of stuff like that in the next 6 months to a year. Some of it won't really be great or move the needle at all but people will be excited because they think new AD man did it.
I hope the big announcement is that no coach will be on next year's staff, for football. We need an overhaul.. One done right. One done with coaches that know what they are doing. Key isn't the magical answer. The man failed... repeat FAILED as an O-line coach. If you cannot succeed at a singular level, there is nothing to suggest you will succeed at a higher level. Take the "tech man" concept away and use common sense. I know I am standing on this island, with my thoughts...and that's ok. I was right about Roof. I was right about Collins... But, what do I know?
How are we going to field a football team without a coach? Player-led team? Very forward thinking of you.
Gonna be lots of stuff like that in the next 6 months to a year. Some of it won't really be great or move the needle at all but people will be excited because they think new AD man did it.