“Escorted to their cars” ajc article

O’Leary and that group were the ones that ramrodded Collins in here. Stansbury was O’Leary’s AD at UCF, Stansbury was coached by Curry. Peterson is just a tool. A tool that was used by the others because he really didn’t give a öööö about GT athletics so he didn’t give a öööö about hiring Sasquatch or Stansbury.
I don't give a shit, leave O'Leary out of it. I'm not going to list off reasons, so why don't we just say Joe Hamilton's name and you never mention George again.
Not trying to debate the past, but considering the kind of coach all of us want in our effort to right our sinking ship, do you think we'll be able to get a quality coach to come on board at this point without offering something as guaranteed as we previously gave Collins? Think we can get a top coach to sign on with an incentive based deal?
I have similar thoughts. People act like we can somehow sign a new coach on a GT favored contract after signing a no name coach to a seven year totally coach favored contract.
Gailey showed up at the lunch bunch within hours of if his firing, I was there. Class guy for sure but just not a good enough coach.

GT leadership handled this very poorly. Todd and Geoff should have been notified on Sunday, press releases should have been in the inboxes of every media person by Sunday night and Key had the reigns on Monday morning. A Collins firing should have been a contingency plan to start the season, week 3 should not have been a surprise. GT leadership is not good.
I think this is why TStan was fired. At least part of the reason. The President should not have to come down from The Hill to clean house, but that’s what’s happening. Keep in mind, Cabrera has a full time job running the Institute on top of all this. I’ll forgive a few missteps in this process.


I don't give a öööö, leave O'Leary out of it. I'm not going to list off reasons, so why don't we just say Joe Hamilton's name and you never mention George again.
Why should we? He’s personally responsible for the hire.

Yep its standard procedure at most big companies for 20 years or so. However we usually allowed folks a few minutes to collect their personal property under the watcheye of the HR rep.
Yep its standard procedure at most big companies for 20 years or so. However we usually allowed folks a few minutes to collect their personal property under the watcheye of the HR rep. Unless they got hot and then it was straight to the parking lot.
Why should we? He’s personally responsible for the hire.

Oh bullshit. O'Leary had no say or power over who became HC at GT. He recommended a former GA. This was solely on Stansbury.
I think this is why TStan was fired. At least part of the reason. The President should not have to come down from The Hill to clean house, but that’s what’s happening. Keep in mind, Cabrera has a full time job running the Institute on top of all this. I’ll forgive a few missteps in this process.
For real, who knows what kind of stupid political shit Cabrera has to babysit on the real academic side of things. I'm a devout skeptic, but there's something telling me that Cabrera is as baffled by the failure of GT football/basketball as the rest of us are and wants to fix it as something of a passion project. It's pure intuition, but he sends vibes that he gets it and, imo, sees it as low-hanging fruit for popularity.