2024 Recruiting

[QUOTE="OptionJacket, post: 3232398, member: 17772"I wish we could just give Key 2 years of room before we start putting expectations on him. He’s a first time head coach and we’ll have a very young QB with question marks all over the roster.
I’m willing to give a coach 2 years.
And I’m sure if we win our first 3 or 4 games and then lose a game there we be some who will ask for heads to roll.
One thingI have learned about football don’t put too much stock the the 1 st game of the season.
Do I really know anything about this coaching staff, no but I like what I have seem. I just don’t want to see this team play dead in a game just keep fighting and improve each week.
We are winning the conference this year. It’s a done deal.

And I’ll be $5k richer.
Ok whatever. I’m optimistic but realistically it’s georgia tech. Fortunately the landscape of CFB has made it such that it’s easy to just not care that much
I'm cautiously optimistic. I want the staff to prove you right, and I'm ready to jump on the Brent Key praise bandwagon. I'm just remaining cautious until the season starts to play out.
I'm cautiously optimistic. I want the staff to prove you right, and I'm ready to jump on the Brent Key praise bandwagon. I'm just remaining cautious until the season starts to play out.
I’d be cautiously optimistic after Key wins the natty. I don’t know what the NCAA’s statute of limitations is, but I’d be cautious til after that day.
Nah, I'll be good after the first game.

me too

Do we look like we have a plan?
Do we look organized in carrying it out?
Are gimmicks minimal or non-existent?

All the other teams have millionaires coaching them too. Sometimes their plans work better.
Tough schedule but here’s hoping we can find a way to 7-5.

But in regards to earlier conversation here, some student athlete needs to sue the NCAA for the progress to degree rule. It’s bogus, it’s totally unfair versus other students, totally unfair to students at hard schools versus the rest. Just get rid of the rule.

I have always felt that there is nothing wrong with kids that want to learn sports instead of biology. The Tech experience is the education you want.
Tough schedule but here’s hoping we can find a way to 7-5.

But in regards to earlier conversation here, some student athlete needs to sue the NCAA for the progress to degree rule. It’s bogus, it’s totally unfair versus other students, totally unfair to students at hard schools versus the rest. Just get rid of the rule.

I have always felt that there is nothing wrong with kids that want to learn sports instead of biology. The Tech experience is the education you want.
If you switch your major does the NCAA screw you with this rule?
If you switch your major does the NCAA screw you with this rule?
If anything, it sounds like that could be the loophole in the rule. In the vein of almost no progress toward degree is ok if that year is your first year progressing toward that 'particular' degree.

Likely our best recruiting class since CCG's last one. But still likely to be around 35th - 40th once all is said and done. We are bolstered by the number of recruits but the average star composite has a lot of teams below us that have a much better to slightly better average and yet they do not have enough recruits currently to over take us. Still a good first year for coach K.
Likely our best recruiting class since CCG's last one. But still likely to be around 35th - 40th once all is said and done. We are bolstered by the number of recruits but the average star composite has a lot of teams below us that have a much better to slightly better average and yet they do not have enough recruits currently to over take us. Still a good first year for coach K.
Fair assessment. Combined with a good first year in the portal. Let's see if his team shows a good first year of off-season development.