2024 Transfer Portal

I was playing the angle of not being able to criticize players, but ok.
Yeah I mean if they are getting paid, why should they be shielded from criticism? No one working a job getting paid is immune from criticism. But if they are “amateur student athletes” playing for the “love of the game” then no, criticism isn’t warranted. Why should any SA who makes a mistake in a game get blasted online, radio, etc when they are “amateur” athletes? Especially when it’s coming from 75% of people who have never played a down in their life.
When that day comes, I'll quit watching the college game just like I the pro game.
Well ok but a players union and collective bargaining could actually help and would likely lead to actual guardrails on the wild-west period of cfb history that we are currently experiencing. It could help bring parity much like the NFL has.
Are the general students on full ride scholarships worried about it getting renewed annually like players?
You can get booted off scholarship for having a bad semester. Football players don't lose scholarships for a bad season last time I checked.
He should go play with Ukulele
And no one is telling you that you have to watch, right? Who cares about a damn dining hall. Are the general students on full ride scholarships worried about it getting renewed annually like players? Roughly 50% of the current cases are sort of pushed into the Portal. Is that OK to you? There isn’t a landing spot for the vast majority in the Portal right now.

Do we need to venture down the yester-year CBB days where players were openly being paid, given cars, etc by boosters? Did people care or quit watching during the 80‘s, 90’s, and early 2000’s? No. Does CBB value education? Hell no. Majority of high level players are only going to CBB because of a stupid 1 year out of HS rule. And look at the state of CBB. It’s a dying sport.

Is the system broken. Yes. Does NIL and the Portal need to be regulated with guardrails? Hell yes. But it’s not going anywhere.
Kids on full ride have to perform up to snuff or they lose their scholarships.
What exactly does this have to do with a SA being able to earn $$$ just like any other student whether on scholarship or not?
Nothing directly, just no whining when someone hurts their feelings, from them or you. öööö them, every man for themselves
Well ok but a players union and collective bargaining could actually help and would likely lead to actual guardrails on the wild-west period of cfb history that we are currently experiencing. It could help bring parity much like the NFL has.
Guardrails will bring the cheating back. There will never be parity in college football.
I really don't see the issue with players getting paid. They were getting paid before so what's the big deal with it being in the open now. It might even keep some players in school rather than going pro. I remember Marbury saying why should he be riding a Stinger bus around when he could be driving a lambo. That's an extreme example, but players needing cash to help with their family situations might stay in school rather than being a 6th round pick. I'd be happy to field a team full of 4th/5th/6th round picks that we were funding with NIL.
You can get booted off scholarship for having a bad semester. Football players don't lose scholarships for a bad season last time I checked.
Yes they do. Are you not paying attention to the Portal? You think all 4,000 kids in the Portal chose to leave their school on their own? Roughly 40-50% are being processed to the Portal to open up a scholarship for someone else. So yes, players are losing their 1 year renewed scholarship (there are no 4 year guaranteed scholarship) based on multiple factors including they just aren’t developing enough to be a contributor on the field.
Yes they do. Are you not paying attention to the Portal? You think all 4,000 kids in the Portal chose to leave their school on their own? Roughly 40-50% are being processed to the Portal to open up a scholarship for someone else. So yes, players are losing their 1 year renewed scholarship (there are no 4 year guaranteed scholarship) based on multiple factors including they just aren’t developing enough to be a contributor on the field.
What's that portal thing you mentioned?
Yes they do. Are you not paying attention to the Portal? You think all 4,000 kids in the Portal chose to leave their school on their own? Roughly 40-50% are being processed to the Portal to open up a scholarship for someone else. So yes, players are losing their 1 year renewed scholarship (there are no 4 year guaranteed scholarship) based on multiple factors including they just aren’t developing enough to be a contributor on the field.
I guess the real sign that your program has advanced is when you are taking in from the portal players who chose to leave as opposed to those who were asked to leave.
I guess the real sign that your program has advanced is when you are taking in from the portal players who chose to leave as opposed to those who were asked to leave.
Look at an example out there right now. The #1 QB and overall #1 player in the 2023 recruiting class Malachi Nelson went into the Portal after 1 year at USC, and reports are he didn’t really get much P5 interest since going into the Portal and is likely going to Boise State. So it’s either a complete miss by the recruiting services or some other reason why he’s not going from USC to even Arizona State for example.
Yes they do. Are you not paying attention to the Portal? You think all 4,000 kids in the Portal chose to leave their school on their own? Roughly 40-50% are being processed to the Portal to open up a scholarship for someone else. So yes, players are losing their 1 year renewed scholarship (there are no 4 year guaranteed scholarship) based on multiple factors including they just aren’t developing enough to be a contributor on the field.

Most of the players in the portal are not there because they lost their scholarship, they are there because they were either told or figured out that they weren't going to play; huge difference. I am not aware of any school in country, to include Colorado, that is flat cancelling football player's scholarships due to on the field performance. More than a few are probably being told they are being moved from an athletic scholarship to some other scholarship to make space; but I doubt many are flat out losing all scholarship support at the school.
On the portal and the players we are losing/have lost-
Seems most (that I’ve seen, correct me if I’m wrong) this year are signing with UAB, Georgia State, FIU, and the like. I wish them all well and hope they succeed, but don’t feel like we are the worse for them departing.
Unlike previous years where transfers were leaving Tech for UNC, Bama, and Ole Miss.
Most of the players in the portal are not there because they lost their scholarship, they are there because they were either told or figured out that they weren't going to play; huge difference. I am not aware of any school in country, to include Colorado, that is flat cancelling football player's scholarships due to on the field performance. More than a few are probably being told they are being moved from an athletic scholarship to some other scholarship to make space; but I doubt many are flat out losing all scholarship support at the school.
So even if they are moved to some kind of scholarship at the school, it’s not the same athletic scholarship they were promised to have when they signed with said school. I doubt this non athletic scholarship they are moved to still provides unlimited food, athletic housing, and medical care. So where exactly is the commitment to the kid and family they were promised by coaches when they signed? The current issue is a 2 way street, and why only the kids take all the blame for the Portal mess is complete nonsense.

So like I said, the overall commitment needs to be by all 3 parties in the future. The kid signing, coach, and school.
In this thread, everyone is required to make up their own statistics on why players are entering the portal. Seems like fun.