2024 Transfer Portal

Does it seem that kids that transfer once are more than likely to transfer a second time if they have the opportunity?
Yes. The brilliant NCAA passed a new 2 time transfer rule without having to sit a year.
They have no choice. They were going to lose lawsuits and even more authority over CFB. Fight the lawsuits and you go broke and lose power.

Right now, the ball is firmly in the players' court. It won't be long until they start pressuring ESPN and ABC for cuts of the pie.
The kid's a ööööing problem
I wasn't suggesting that Tech pursue Judkins, nor am I familiar with the kid's background; I was just commenting on his talent level.

Hell, for all I know, he can't spell "CAT" if you spotted him the "C" and the "A" coming out of Ole Miss :) .
I wasn't suggesting that Tech pursue Judkins, nor am I familiar with the kid's background; I was just commenting on his talent level.

Hell, for all I know, he can't spell "CAT" if you spotted him the "C" and the "A" coming out of Ole Miss :) .
I have it on good authority that there are a lot of "CAT" calls at Ole Miss
How's that?
Let's see he fights with his OL, doesn't get along with the QB, he complains to the coaches about carries and what plays are being run, demanded more NIL money, etc. There's rumors all season about him being disruptive in the locker room. Other than that he's a model teammate.
How's that?
Word from the Ole Miss fans is that he’s been a cancer on the team, during their bowl game there were multiple times when he put his hand up to be helped up after a run and his teammates ignored him
Word from the Ole Miss fans is that he’s been a cancer on the team, during their bowl game there were multiple times when he put his hand up to be helped up after a run and his teammates ignored him
I’ve always wondered about that helping each other up bit. These are big strong finely tuned athletes, yet after a play they act like your 90 year old Uncle Clyde trying to get out of his east chair.
Can't wait for the college football players strike
Might want to rethink that. A Strike requires, above all else, committment from all Strikers to hold out for the Cause (whatever it might be). So all Strikers must be unselfish and 100% participation is mandatory. We can't even get kids to do that with their own team.
I’ve always wondered about that helping each other up bit. These are big strong finely tuned athletes, yet after a play they act like your 90 year old Uncle Clyde trying to get out of his east chair.
There was this one time - had to be late 80s early 90s - the Falcons were playing some team with a superstar QB. The Falcons had this one guy - cannot recall who it was but he was known for being an absolute aHole (which all us fans enjoyed). So on one play, this guy sacks the other QB by himself. Nobody in the backfield except him and the QB and the QB is literally flat on his back after a vicious, pre-QB protection act, hit. So the Falcon defender offers a hand to help him up. QB accepts the sportsmanlike gesture and the Falcon player lifts him half way to up then lets go and lets the QB fall right back on his back., turns around and walks away. I can see it to this day - wish I could remember who the two players were.
There's another Ole Miss RB in the portal.
Jamious Griffin.
There was this one time - had to be late 80s early 90s - the Falcons were playing some team with a superstar QB. The Falcons had this one guy - cannot recall who it was but he was known for being an absolute aHole (which all us fans enjoyed). So on one play, this guy sacks the other QB by himself. Nobody in the backfield except him and the QB and the QB is literally flat on his back after a vicious, pre-QB protection act, hit. So the Falcon defender offers a hand to help him up. QB accepts the sportsmanlike gesture and the Falcon player lifts him half way to up then lets go and lets the QB fall right back on his back., turns around and walks away. I can see it to this day - wish I could remember who the two players were.
Had Claude Humphrey retired by then?
Griffin had a decent year at Oregon St. never should have left. Looking for his 4th team now.
Might want to rethink that. A Strike requires, above all else, committment from all Strikers to hold out for the Cause (whatever it might be). So all Strikers must be unselfish and 100% participation is mandatory. We can't even get kids to do that with their own team.
"If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders - What would you tell him?"

"I…don't know. What… could he do? What would you tell him?"

"To shrug."