2024 Transfer Portal

Might want to rethink that. A Strike requires, above all else, committment from all Strikers to hold out for the Cause (whatever it might be). So all Strikers must be unselfish and 100% participation is mandatory. We can't even get kids to do that with their own team.
Really all it would take is a majority of players- you know the ones who aren’t stars and aren’t getting any NIL money?
Really all it would take is a majority of players- you know the ones who aren’t stars and aren’t getting any NIL money?
Then, maybe then, we could get back to college football being like it was suppose to be and be college student athletes. If that were to happen across the board, I'd love it.
I have long thought that maybe this is what it takes to “fix” college football. Let this burn the whole thing down and maybe we can start over from scratch.
Then, maybe then, we could get back to college football being like it was suppose to be and be college student athletes. If that were to happen across the board, I'd love it.
And are coaches, AD’s, university presidents, conference commissioner salaries who are all inflated because of the TV $$$ going to go down as well? Or does that not matter?

Do some of you not realize all the stuff public is not much different than the back channel payments players have been getting for decades? CFB, CBB have always been about the $$$. Not much has really changed.

Instead of getting mad at the kids, why aren’t you upset with the businesses willing to pay these kids? And I’ll ask again. Why are SA’s not allowed to earn $$$, yet the general population student on scholarship can?
And are coaches, AD’s, university presidents, conference commissioner salaries who are all inflated because of the TV $$$ going to go down as well? Or does that not matter?

Do some of you not realize all the stuff public is not much different than the back channel payments players have been getting for decades? CFB, CBB have always been about the $$$. Not much has really changed.

Instead of getting mad at the kids, why aren’t you upset with the businesses willing to pay these kids? And I’ll ask again. Why are SA’s not allowed to earn $$$, yet the general population student on scholarship can?
No one is holding a gun to their head. They don't have to play. They chose to play. And in turn are receiving a top notch education with benefits that are NOT available to just any student. Let any student just try and go into the dining hall on the second floor in the Edge Athletic Center for the football team. See how quickly they would be shown the door. A regular student steps off a curb on Techwood and wrenches their ankle. You think for a second they would have access to the same docs and rehab the athletes have? Now, as to the coaches pay, it's the same argument with pro athletes today. It's insane, I get it. But it is market driven. Stop buying tickets, Stop buying memorabilia. Stop supporting the schools. The money would dry up and the coaches would have to take a hit. But I'm sorry. I still am in the camp these kids should be amateurs. When you start drawing a paycheck for performance, you're now a pro.
They are paid entertainers and part of that is getting cussed at when you give a crappy performance.
Wait a darn minute. Haven't we been told that we are not to disparage the "student athlete" because they are merely doing it for the love of the game? It used to be that if we named names on this board, we'd be excoriated and excommunicated for a period of time. Have the winds reversed themselves?
Wait a darn minute. Haven't we been told that we are not to disparage the "student athlete" because they are merely doing it for the love of the game? It used to be that if we named names on this board, we'd be excoriated and excommunicated for a period of time. Have the winds reversed themselves?
Show one player at the FBS level who has ever said “I’m playing it solely for the love of the game”? This isn’t weekend golf, it’s football.

The goal by every D1 CFB player is to be in the 1% who end up in the NFL.

Student athlete does’t mean they shouldn’t be able to earn $$$ just like every other student.
Student athlete does’t mean they shouldn’t be able to earn $$$ just like every other student.

They are not "kids" so they also should be able to field any insult anybody wants to throw at them, like every other pro that seeks the limelight.
No one is holding a gun to their head. They don't have to play. They chose to play. And in turn are receiving a top notch education with benefits that are NOT available to just any student. Let any student just try and go into the dining hall on the second floor in the Edge Athletic Center for the football team. See how quickly they would be shown the door. A regular student steps off a curb on Techwood and wrenches their ankle. You think for a second they would have access to the same docs and rehab the athletes have? Now, as to the coaches pay, it's the same argument with pro athletes today. It's insane, I get it. But it is market driven. Stop buying tickets, Stop buying memorabilia. Stop supporting the schools. The money would dry up and the coaches would have to take a hit. But I'm sorry. I still am in the camp these kids should be amateurs. When you start drawing a paycheck for performance, you're now a pro.
And no one is telling you that you have to watch, right? Who cares about a damn dining hall. Are the general students on full ride scholarships worried about it getting renewed annually like players? Roughly 50% of the current cases are sort of pushed into the Portal. Is that OK to you? There isn’t a landing spot for the vast majority in the Portal right now.

Do we need to venture down the yester-year CBB days where players were openly being paid, given cars, etc by boosters? Did people care or quit watching during the 80‘s, 90’s, and early 2000’s? No. Does CBB value education? Hell no. Majority of high level players are only going to CBB because of a stupid 1 year out of HS rule. And look at the state of CBB. It’s a dying sport.

Is the system broken. Yes. Does NIL and the Portal need to be regulated with guardrails? Hell yes. But it’s not going anywhere.
Show one player at the FBS level who has ever said “I’m playing it solely for the love of the game”? This isn’t weekend golf, it’s football.

The goal by every D1 CFB player is to be in the 1% who end up in the NFL.

Student athlete does’t mean they shouldn’t be able to earn $$$ just like every other student.
I was playing the angle of not being able to criticize players, but ok.
They are not "kids" so they also should be able to field any insult anybody wants to throw at them, like every other pro that seeks the limelight.
What exactly does this have to do with a SA being able to earn $$$ just like any other student whether on scholarship or not?