2025 Mutts game

J Batt is a money guy. It’s why we hired him. Prior ADs (Dan Rad excluded) sucked at the money angle (and most everything else) and put us in a financial hole that we are trying to dig out of. While I don’t like playing the mutts in a neutral site they can dominate, $10m is a lot of money that we can put to good use and get our stadium renovation started earlier.
Bush league. We gave away our home game against our biggest rival. öööö.

Yes I completely understand this makes financial sense and we will make money. But öööö. We gave away a home game. To sell UGA fans more tickets. Not even part of our season ticket package.

BUSH. LEAGUE. This is sad. Joke. Go ahead. Load me with big cries.
It will not be a 1 time thing

I think it will be, because if it becomes a constant thing it will really hurt season ticket sales.

We're investing a lot into a BDS renovation and it wouldn't really make sense to do that if our long term strategy is to continue moving our best home games to MBS.
I haven't seen an announcement. The Notre Dame game is part of our ST package, is UGAg special or something? Make those assholes buy a full ST package

There's an announcement posted in this thread already.
Ok. We get a $10 million guarantee. Does the cesspool also get a big payday or is this all homegame, bayyyybeeeee!!!!
It's easy to justify it. Look at how many people come to our home games these days and look at how expensive it is to run a program these days.

We need money. And as long as we're only averaging like 20k butts in seats we're going to need to do stuff no one likes to get it.

$10 million to have the U[sic]GA invasion of our campus happen in MBS instead of BDS is an easy decision to make. Hopefully we can rebuild and get back to at least having it be a 50/50 crowd in BDS instead of MBS in 2027.
With your reasoning we should just have the UGA game at MBS every two years. Hey, screw the home field advantage for more $$$