2nd worst defensive performance in GT history

Paul Johnson said:
“And part of the issues are nobody beats a block, nobody tackles anybody, nobody covers anybody. That about covers it.”

What's the other part, there, coach?
If I had gif skills and time, I'd chop op a part of the first drive. I think it was a play before their first TD, somebody comes around the right side, I think it was a TE, and blocks two whole freaking defenders. One with each hand. Not even hyperbole.
If I had gif skills and time, I'd chop op a part of the first drive. I think it was a play before their first TD, somebody comes around the right side, I think it was a TE, and blocks two whole freaking defenders. One with each hand. Not even hyperbole.

I know exactly the play you're talking about. It was Davis and Mitchell.

Roof is their position coach, too, by the way.
20 points and multiple turnovers looked great? This is the problem with medical marijuana.

This is getting ridiculous. If we score 3, 7, 10, 17, or 20 in the second half, what goddamn difference does it make in yesterday's outcome?

We didn't have the 2nd worst defensive performance in schoool history because of the offense so why do you numbnuts keep bringing it up in every thread about the shitty defense?
Not surprising. Painful to watch . Offense again looked great.
Wait what? Which part of scoring only 20 points in spite of a lot of yards gained, fumbling the ball 4 times (thankfully only turning it over 2 of those times), is "looking great?" We had 5 possessions in the second half and only the first ended in points and that was only a FG. The offense didn't even look "good" much less "great." The object of offense is to score points, not rack up first downs or yards and that's all we did.

Of course the defense was epically bad as well so I agree with that part also being painful to watch.
This is getting ridiculous. If we score 3, 7, 10, 17, or 20 in the second half, what goddamn difference does it make in yesterday's outcome?

We didn't have the 2nd worst defensive performance in schoool history because of the offense so why do you numbnuts keep bringing it up in every thread about the ööööty defense?
Offense did not look great.
If I had gif skills and time, I'd chop op a part of the first drive. I think it was a play before their first TD, somebody comes around the right side, I think it was a TE, and blocks two whole freaking defenders. One with each hand. Not even hyperbole.
Or how about when our offensive lineman decided that blocking was too much of a chore and went blocking nobody on one of Mills runs while the guy he clearly saw made the tackle? That replay showed me how much Sewak sucks.
Offense did not look great.

No shit.

The offense put up great numbers outside of points. We totally shit the bed in the redzone. Yesterday wasn't a Clemson or Miami effort where the offense couldn't stay on the field or cough up idiotic turnovers on a short field inflating the D's numbers.

The offense would have to be pristine perfect for us to even have a chance yesterday. That's an absurd standard to win a football game.
One thing I noticed is that instead of trying to avoid UNC's offensive blockers, our defenders were initiating the contact. One of our pass rushers could've easily dodged the blocker but chose to initiate the contact.
No öööö.

The offense put up great numbers outside of points. We totally öööö the bed in the redzone. Yesterday wasn't a Clemson or Miami effort where the offense couldn't stay on the field or cough up idiotic turnovers on a short field inflating the D's numbers.

The offense would have to be pristine perfect for us to even have a chance yesterday. That's an absurd standard to win a football game.
So why did we hire Paul Johnson? Did you see Navy run the clock out against a team who kicked our ass last year?
One thing I noticed is that instead of trying to avoid UNC's offensive blockers, our defenders were initiating the contact. One of our pass rushers could've easily dodged the blocker but chose to initiate the contact.

Been yelling at my TV about this for a while. Our guys look like they were trained on how to defend by looking at the opposing team's game plan and then just executing it rather than scheming around it.
The öööö kinda question is that? Jesus.
One that shows Johnson's skills and effort have diminished. Once you realize that it is a boat race, you don't try a field goal on 4th and 3. He doesn't believe in the offense anymore.
One that shows Johnson's skills and effort have diminished. Once you realize that it is a boat race, you don't try a field goal on 4th and 3. He doesn't believe in the offense anymore.

Lets look at the scenarios when we kicked FGs:

Down 17-7, 4th and goal from the 6. There is no decision other than to kick the FG in this scenario.

Down 27-17, 4th and 3 from the 20. You take the FG and make it a one score game again.

Both time, we cut it from 2 scores to 1 and kept us in the game a little longer.

If you truly believe we should've done anything else in these scenarios, you are as dumb as your online persona.