Sure, you will find some cross section in the Venn diagram of mainstream pro sports and gamers/e-sports fans. But I think most of these in this cross section are types that 20 years ago would have been hard core fans of college and pro sports on television exclusively. So instead of gaining new fans of traditional sports from those that were exclusively gamers, you are finding new gamers from those that were exclusively traditional sports fans.
In other words,
the number of exclusively traditional sports fans is eroding and the entertainment market share of gaming and e-sports is growing with or without those who also have interest in traditional sports. Put a different way, the number of traditional sports entertainment consumers, pro and college, isn't growing and very likely is declining.
This article is from January 2020, before all of the events of that year hit the fan:
The Decline Of Football Is Real And It’s Accelerating
Given what happened in 2020 and the following years up till now, this situation undoubtedly has become even worse.