Adding majors

Should GT add majors?

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May 23, 2011
lets cut the insanity a bit. public poll on adding majors.
Technology or science related majors only, imo
Agreed, and only if they actually benefit the Institute. No adding majors for the sole purpose of adding them or getting kids in the door easier.

Also, if you vote for #1, and I mean this as politely as possible, go light yourself on fire and jump off the North Avenue bridge during rush hour.
Voted to stay as is. I would be open to #2 if convinced that we needed to do so to remain academically competitive. #1 makes me want to throw up.
GT should explore adding majors that could increase their competetiveness and viability as a university.

It should explore the option of adding a law school to focus on patent law, regulatory law regarding large construction operations and the environment, and some type of accident investigation law or something like that I don't know...

It should also look into adding a medical school if possible.

It should look into adding communication and broadcast technology degrees. However it should only take these steps if the schools/degrees will be economically viable.

I would also like Georgia Tech and schools like Northwestern, Stanford, Notre Dame, et. al to begin petitions or the like to the NFL to set up a minor league system for the integrity of college football, in an attempt to level the playing field and get those who are just using college ball to train for the NFL and not really interested in the education aspect out of the game.

The instantaneous payday after high school for the prototypical "son of a single-mother trying to help his family," would be far more enticing and helpful than having to wait in college for a while and run the risk of injury. However you'd still have that option if you truly valued your education. I have no problem allowing students into college that value education. I think having some of these "athlete majors" has allowed a lot of spoiled brat non-athletes to come to schools using government money that they can't pay back and hurt the nation as a whole.
Well adding majors for academic competitiveness helps the football team. Pole fail.
If you don't hold a degree from Tech or are currently in route to get one, to me your opinion in this matter means jackshit.
I am ALL for adding a MAJOR kick ass D end to get a pass rush--
The institute will have to add majors and evolve or will eventually just be a "gimmick" school. I don't believe adding majors easy for football players is right. Adding courses of study that broaden the appeal of going to GT will keep the institute moving forward.
There are people out there that were not smart enough for GT but weren't dumb enough for uga.
Expand curriculum to attract more students? Sure. Of course I am fine with Science and Technology degrees, degrees that lead to med school, and even education degrees.

But I am whole-heartedly opposed to adding majors in order to get better athletics.
I didn’t attend Ga Tech but I will say that it will become more and more difficult for Tech in the future due to the mutts adding an engineering program and Ga State adding a football team. It may take a while but both of those elements will hurt Tech in a big way.
Smaller schools like Mercer & Kennesaw adding football programs wont help.
Everyone blames the BOR for our issues and they are correct…you can read Dodd’s book and he states that Tech will be lucky to beat the mutts 3/10 times due to the restrictions placed on Tech’s academics.
Once again alums looking down on the sidewalk fans.
Not at all.

Do you buy tickets to watch kids take tests? Does the reputation of the Institute affect your employment? Do you list that you are a GT fan on your resume? Do you give money to Roll Call or just the athletic fund? We're talking about 2 separate things here.

My closest GT-fan friends are all sidewalk fans and they are as big a fan as you'll find. But they don't really offer opinions on GT academics because it has no bearing on their lives like it does alumni. Its not a slam to sidewalk fans, just common sense, imo.
If you don't hold a degree from Tech or are currently in route to get one, to me your opinion in this matter means jackshit.

Great attitude. Yeah I have my degree. But what about the guy that grew up a Tech fan and instead went to Mercer or Emory because they didn't want to be a freaking engineer (whole point of not being more diversified) but yet still gives big money to support our athletic program and puts butts in our half ass empty stadium?

Not to mention that same guy that didn't go to the school may have three kids he is going to push that direction.

Yeah, you're right...the hell with them. We've have plenty of guys that are alumni beating down the door to get season tickets and support the program.

Jesus Christ. Can it get any more ööööing elitist around here.