Adding majors

Should GT add majors?

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Great attitude. Yeah I have my degree. But what about the guy that grew up a Tech fan and instead went to Mercer or Emory because they didn't want to be a freaking engineer (whole point of not being more diversified) but yet still gives big money to support our athletic program and puts butts in our half ass empty stadium?

Yeah, you're right...the hell with them. We've have plenty of guys that are alumni beating down the door to get season tickets and support the program.

Jesus Christ. Can it get any more ööööing elitist around here.

GT is about more than a football team. I don't want to cater to a bunch of people because they like football and don't give a öööö about the Tech degree.
Well adding majors for academic competitiveness helps the football team. Pole fail.

Wrong. Pre-law (can't remember if we have it) won't help. The only thing that will help are öööö degrees.
Great attitude. Yeah I have my degree. But what about the guy that grew up a Tech fan and instead went to Mercer or Emory because they didn't want to be a freaking engineer (whole point of not being more diversified) but yet still gives big money to support our athletic program and puts butts in our half ass empty stadium?

Yeah, you're right...the hell with them. We've have plenty of guys that are alumni beating down the door to get season tickets and support the program.

Jesus Christ. Can it get any more ööööing elitist around here.
If they give money to the athletic department, then they have a say in athletic issues.

But unless they are alumni or give loads of money to Roll Call, then I don't think they deserve say in issues that impact the academic reputation of Tech. And I don't have any say in any academic issues at Emory or Mercer.
Great attitude. Yeah I have my degree. But what about the guy that grew up a Tech fan and instead went to Mercer or Emory because they didn't want to be a freaking engineer (whole point of not being more diversified) but yet still gives big money to support our athletic program and puts butts in our half ass empty stadium?

It's all about vested interest and conflicts of interest. I grew up a UF fan (dad went) but I came to GT because it has better academics for my field of study. I didn't try to force my major into a school because it excelled at football.
I will look down on sidewalk fans academically all damn day. They have no valid input on GT academic issues.

Good then quit fielding sports teams so that I can use the thousands of dollars I spend on GT for something worthwhile.
Not at all.

Do you buy tickets to watch kids take tests? Does the reputation of the Institute affect your employment? Do you list that you are a GT fan on your resume? Do you give money to Roll Call or just the athletic fund? We're talking about 2 separate things here.

My closest GT-fan friends are all sidewalk fans and they are as big a fan as you'll find. But they don't really offer opinions on GT academics because it has no bearing on their lives like it does alumni. Its not a slam to sidewalk fans, just common sense, imo.

That is a complete horseshit reason. Do you really think adding a Sports Management major is going to effect your Mechanical or Civil Engineering degree? Really?

And unless you're 24 years old, you should at this point be able to make it in the business world on your own merit with what you've done at XYZ company for the last 15 or 20 years...not just "well I got my degree from the Institute 20 years ago".
Wrong. Pre-law (can't remember if we have it) won't help. The only thing that will help are öööö degrees.

Nothing factual or relevant about that statement. Merely an uninformed opinion from your typical engineer that went through life and school with blinders on.
Good then quit fielding sports teams so that I can use the thousands of dollars I spend on GT for something worthwhile.

Go support the teams at your own school if you feel that involved about it.

The thousands you spend to support the GTAA have nothing to do with GT and buy you no input academically.
If they give money to the athletic department, then they have a say in athletic issues.

But unless they are alumni or give loads of money to Roll Call, then I don't think they deserve say in issues that impact the academic reputation of Tech. And I don't have any say in any academic issues at Emory or Mercer.

I've been a Georgia Tech fan all of my life, and I didn't go to Tech because I didn't want to be an engineer.

Certainly a change to Tech's rankings won't affect my degree like it will yours, but if there were more offerings, I might have a Tech degree. So yes, I think there is value in realizing that many sidewalk fans are just that becuase of the fewer choices offered and that we might have some valuable input.
krazie is one of the best damn tailgaters and a helluva gt fan.

and he's not married to a mutt so I think his opinion matters more than Diseqc.
Nothing factual or relevant about that statement. Merely an uninformed opinion from your typical engineer that went through life and school with blinders on.

Are you arguing that difficult degrees will help student athletes? The main argument I've heard is that GT's academics are too difficult. Student athletes gravitate heavily towards low-work degrees.

I don't believe you've stated a valid argument, so I am not sure why you're insulting me.
Go support the teams at your own school if you feel that involved about it.

The thousands you spend to support the GTAA have nothing to do with GT and buy you no input academically.

The GTAA provides plenty of support for the school. In addition to money that the AA gives in the form of scholarships, athletics without a doubt impact the school academically. When Tech went to the Final Four, applications increased. Athletics might be the single greatest publicity a school has which can lead to increases in endowments, alumni support, and enrollment.
That is a complete horseshit reason. Do you really think adding a Sports Management major is going to effect your Mechanical or Civil Engineering degree? Really?

And unless you're 24 years old, you should at this point be able to make it in the business world on your own merit with what you've done at XYZ company for the last 15 or 20 years...not just "well I got my degree from the Institute 20 years ago".

Having majors like that compromises the goal of the Institute as a whole and makes us no better than UGAg or Alabama or any other school with so-called "student-athletes."

Whether you believe it affects me or not, we are talking about alumni and non-alumni having a say in the academic affairs of GT. I have an investment in GT academics. You do not. If I own Coca Cola stock I have a say. People who do not own Coca Cola stock do not have a say. Simple as that.
I've been a Georgia Tech fan all of my life, and I didn't go to Tech because I didn't want to be an engineer.

Certainly a change to Tech's rankings won't affect my degree like it will yours, but if there were more offerings, I might have a Tech degree. So yes, I think there is value in realizing that many sidewalk fans are just that becuase of the fewer choices offered and that we might have some valuable input.

I've been a Harvard fan all of my life, and I didn't go to Harvard because it's really expensive.

Certainly cutting Harvard's tuition and letting any retard in wont affect my degree like it will a Harvard grad, but if they just made it cheaper and easier to get in to I might have a Harvard degree. So yes, I think here is value in realizing that sidewalk fans are just that because it's expensive and hard to get into and that we might have valuable input.
Again, look at the top schools that are relative in sports. Stanford, UNC, Virginia, Vanderbilt, Michigan...all have some "horseshit" majors. It doesn't bring down their schools.

I don't think if we added a couple majors that my degree would suddenly be looked at like I went to some öööö school. That's just stupid.
I've been a Harvard fan all of my life, and I didn't go to Harvard because it's really expensive.

Certainly cutting Harvard's tuition and letting any retard in wont affect my degree like it will a Harvard grad, but if they just made it cheaper and easier to get in to I might have a Harvard degree. So yes, I think here is value in realizing that sidewalk fans are just that because it's expensive and hard to get into and that we might have valuable input.
That is a complete horseshit reason. Do you really think adding a Sports Management major is going to effect your Mechanical or Civil Engineering degree? Really?

And unless you're 24 years old, you should at this point be able to make it in the business world on your own merit with what you've done at XYZ company for the last 15 or 20 years...not just "well I got my degree from the Institute 20 years ago".

Regardless of his opinion on the matter, it's your opinions validity that he is arguing.
Not at all.

Do you buy tickets to watch kids take tests? Does the reputation of the Institute affect your employment? Do you list that you are a GT fan on your resume? Do you give money to Roll Call or just the athletic fund? We're talking about 2 separate things here.

My closest GT-fan friends are all sidewalk fans and they are as big a fan as you'll find. But they don't really offer opinions on GT academics because it has no bearing on their lives like it does alumni. Its not a slam to sidewalk fans, just common sense, imo.

Well I get the point, but this topic was posted in the football section for all fans to see. I voted for the second option since it would help with the football program as well as the school in general. I may not attend GT, but my father went and I've always liked the fact that Tech players weren't just a bunch of dumb bodies to throw out on the football field to win games. Tech doesn't need garbage majors, they just need to expand the curriculum and be the best at teaching whatever is added, which would lead to more students in general and then a wider net for athletic recruits.
I've been a Georgia Tech fan all of my life, and I didn't go to Tech because I didn't want to be an engineer.

Certainly a change to Tech's rankings won't affect my degree like it will yours, but if there were more offerings, I might have a Tech degree. So yes, I think there is value in realizing that many sidewalk fans are just that becuase of the fewer choices offered and that we might have some valuable input.

what exactly are you a fan of? sports or academics?