Adding majors

Should GT add majors?

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I've been a Harvard fan all of my life, and I didn't go to Harvard because it's really expensive.

Certainly cutting Harvard's tuition and letting any retard in wont affect my degree like it will a Harvard grad, but if they just made it cheaper and easier to get in to I might have a Harvard degree. So yes, I think here is value in realizing that sidewalk fans are just that because it's expensive and hard to get into and that we might have valuable input.

I think you confused yourself there. You might have meant poor people.

And you didn't refute my point that you don't have to experience something to be able to have a good idea.

I've never been the President of the United States, so I can't then make suggestions about what should or shouldn't be done? Interesting
You can certainly add a sports science degree and make it halfway worth a öööö, not asking for a "turf management" and basket weaving degree. But yes, lets add some ööööing majors. Or don't. Then what are we going to point to as why we can't recruit?

Lets make another thread on what types of majors should be added after this one b/c lord knows we haven't discussed it enough.
Are you arguing that difficult degrees will help student athletes? The main argument I've heard is that GT's academics are too difficult. Student athletes gravitate heavily towards low-work degrees.

I don't believe you've stated a valid argument, so I am not sure why you're insulting me.

I haven't stated a valid argument? Pot meet kettle.

Stanford, UNC, UVA, Michigan and Cal are examples of expanded curriculums without your degree suffering. I've made my point several times over and its valid. You have yet to actually argue any of its merits, only blindly holding on to some halfass belief that your degree will suffer WITHOUT pointing out any valid reasons as to how it will.

I've also made it quite clear, as well as Akinji, and beej all of whom you have yet to make a valid counterpoint, that we have room to expand our curriculum AND stay within our Technical background and tradition but we are not.

Hell you're the dummy who honestly thinks UGA's engineering degree poses no threats to GT in anyway. That is so against basic principle of academic competition. I cannot argue with you because you simply can't or at least won't get it.
We had the school of Commerce before the BOR moved it to ööööing Athens in 1933. I guess it's a good thing we weren't allowed to keep that...would have dumbed us down all these years.
what exactly are you a fan of? sports or academics?

Sports. I'm not going to deny that. Part of what I like about Tech is the difficulty of the curriculum. But just because I am a fan of the sports team doesn't mean I can't have a good opinion about academics.

I don't claim to know the difficulties of going to Tech. I didn't say that it should be made easier. I'm saying that the idea that since I didn't go to Tech means that my opinions are invalid is just dumb. You can certainly value them less, but it doesn't mean they are bad.
Stanford, UNC, UVA, Michigan and Cal are examples of expanded curriculums without your degree suffering. I've made my point several times over and its valid. You have yet to actually argue any of its merits, only blindly holding on to some halfass belief that your degree will suffer WITHOUT pointing out any valid reasons as to how it will.

dude... how is this going to help student athletes? this is the argument I have been asking for which you seem to avoid. please argue your point already, or point me towards the post where you already stated it.
I voted GT should add majors just for football. öööö it. And yes I have a GT degree.
Wrong. Pre-law (can't remember if we have it) won't help. The only thing that will help are öööö degrees.

Very wrong.

We lose quality SAs also because of the limited curriculum, not just those who can't hack it.
this is the typical gt fan/alumni bullshit after every ööööing thanksgiving massacre. hey we shouuld add majors to compete against the mutts- no shut the öööö up you're a retard who didn't go to tech- öööö you i pay money to this school- no öööö you adding majors will make me less of a hell of an engineer.

i graduated from Tech, but I would never go to a fellow fan and tell them their opinion matters less on anything because they didn't go through the öööö i went through. i tell people their opinion matters less because of the stupidity of their arguments, which plenty of tech grads on this boards are full of.

Arguing that your engineering degree is less for adding technical majors doesn't deserve any consideration IMO. I don't think anybody suggested that we should worry about football at the expense of academics and the perception of Tech in the academic world. If you believe that we shouldn't worry about football at all, then you should probably stop posting in the football forum.
You can certainly value them less, but it doesn't mean they are bad.

I am not saying they are bad opinions, I am saying the argument made by architorture is that they are valued less.

Nothing personal.
Hey bright guy look up the page and tell me what this section of the forum is named.

Hey bright guy, what's the subject were talking about? Academics. Just because its posted in the football forum doesn't somehow give merit to your opinion jackass.

Hell, I'm on of the alumni here agreeing with you guys that we need to expand our curriculum. Don't be a dumbass.
this is the typical gt fan/alumni bullshit after every ööööing thanksgiving massacre. hey we shouuld add majors to compete against the mutts- no shut the öööö up you're a retard who didn't go to tech- öööö you i pay money to this school- no öööö you adding majors will make me less of a hell of an engineer.

i graduated from Tech, but I would never go to a fellow fan and tell them their opinion matters less on anything because they didn't go through the öööö i went through. i tell people their opinion matters less because of the stupidity of their arguments, which plenty of tech grads on this boards are full of.

Arguing that your engineering degree is less for adding technical majors doesn't deserve any consideration IMO. I don't think anybody suggested that we should worry about football at the expense of academics and the perception of Tech in the academic world. If you believe that we shouldn't worry about football at all, then you should probably stop posting in the football forum.

what was your degree? just curious.
Well I get the point, but this topic was posted in the football section for all fans to see. I voted for the second option since it would help with the football program as well as the school in general. I may not attend GT, but my father went and I've always liked the fact that Tech players weren't just a bunch of dumb bodies to throw out on the football field to win games. Tech doesn't need garbage majors, they just need to expand the curriculum and be the best at teaching whatever is added, which would lead to more students in general and then a wider net for athletic recruits.
I also voted for the second option and expressed which majors I wouldn't mind adding earlier in the thread. But the only one that would even approach "easy" would be an education major.

The problem I see (and its not really a problem as much as it is an "issue") is that the curriculum is narrow. If a kid is very smart but doesn't want to be an engineer he has limited options.

Although, lets be honest... If he wants to be a doctor we have a great pre-med degree in biology. If you want to be a lawyer, INTA, PubPolicy, or an HTS degree will serve well. Basically anything that requires a Graduate degree or Doctorate can be acheived at GT.
dude... how is this going to help student athletes? this is the argument I have been asking for which you seem to avoid. please argue your point already, or point me towards the post where you already stated it.

More options help student athletes by allowing.. wait for it...

MORE ööööING OPTIONS you ööööing retard.

Wow you are dense.
this is the typical gt fan/alumni bullshit after every ööööing thanksgiving massacre. hey we shouuld add majors to compete against the mutts- no shut the öööö up you're a retard who didn't go to tech- öööö you i pay money to this school- no öööö you adding majors will make me less of a hell of an engineer.

i graduated from Tech, but I would never go to a fellow fan and tell them their opinion matters less on anything because they didn't go through the öööö i went through. i tell people their opinion matters less because of the stupidity of their arguments, which plenty of tech grads on this boards are full of.

Arguing that your engineering degree is less for adding technical majors doesn't deserve any consideration IMO. I don't think anybody suggested that we should worry about football at the expense of academics and the perception of Tech in the academic world. If you believe that we shouldn't worry about football at all, then you should probably stop posting in the football forum.


The stupidity of saying only the opinions of those with degrees is pure öööö. Why not go a step further and say to be educated enough to vote on the academics concerning football you should not only have a degree from Tech, but also should have lettered on the football team?

I'd be out then.
Very wrong.

We lose quality SAs also because of the limited curriculum, not just those who can't hack it.

The curricula desired is not for challenging degrees, it's for easy degrees. This is where the crossroads comes into play.

Do you add challenging degrees to expand the degrees knowing it won't help the football team, or do you add fluff degrees for the football team?

Name the curriculum that tech needs for recruiting that isn't fluff.