Andy Reid pulled a CPJ today....


Memes posted are not fact checked for accuracy
Oct 21, 2009
Lay the blame elsewhere for your own failures.....end result will be the same imo
Who started this dumb myth about CPJ blaming others? He constantly says he's the one accountable. Talking frankly about problems and mistakes is not blaming other people.

Who started this dumb myth about CPJ blaming others? He constantly says he's the one accountable. Talking frankly about problems and mistakes is not blaming other people.

I know. Exactly. Then the comment regarding sticking with a lame duck QB. :rolleyes:
We could lose 300-100 and Stingtalk will still try to blame QB play...
I want to know the same thing.

He could've shown some more grace - there are several comments that can be construed as finger pointing at Groh on his way out the door. WTTE of 'Hey, I gave all of the defensive responsibility to that guy while I handled everything else' and then the specific comments about the complexity of the calls and terminology.

And this (CPJ blaming others) is no new revelation - he came in with the reputation. If I'm not mistaken, the infamous 'McDonalds' quote was in response to a question about CPJ throwing Navy players/asst coaches under the bus.
Never once did I hear CPJ say if I had better players we would be winning. If I had better support coaches we would be winning.

I have heard him call out issues that happened during a game...player issues, ST issues, call issues. He cannot say the game was lost by my poor HC abilities end of interview. When talking about what went wrong in the game you have to talk about what went wrong in the game. He NEVER said "that stupid unteachable kid caused us to loose the game" or "the DC coach is a hard headed fool that does not listen to reason and cost us the game".

I think he has said, by his actions, my DC was costing us wins and I am replacing him. I am ultimately responsible and will be held accountable so I am making a change to start winning.
He could've shown some more grace - there are several comments that can be construed as finger pointing at Groh on his way out the door. WTTE of 'Hey, I gave all of the defensive responsibility to that guy while I handled everything else' and then the specific comments about the complexity of the calls and terminology.

And this (CPJ blaming others) is no new revelation - he came in with the reputation. If I'm not mistaken, the infamous 'McDonalds' quote was in response to a question about CPJ throwing Navy players/asst coaches under the bus.

Could be construed? They were construed as that by just about every comment on the blog I read. And many of those were from CPJ supporters.

The "myth" of CPJ throwing others under the bus is no myth. Passive aggressive comments like "ultimately it is my responsibility" followed by detailed descriptions of others failures is a bit like saying "with all due respect" followed by an obvious disrespectful comment.

CPJ talks tough and that is fine, but it comes with the responsibility of taking DIRECT heat when you don't produce as a head coach. Whether the problem is recruiting, hiring assistants, lack of motivation of players, lack of development of talent, being too stubborn about sticking to your system, they all go back to the head coach if they do not produce results.
Lay the blame elsewhere for your own failures.....end result will be the same imo

Yeah, except we fired our DC because the defense sucked on the field and on the stat sheet. The Eagles fired their DC when their defense was decent and in the top half of the league in passing defense, rushing defense, total defense, and points per game (and remember, the Eagles turn the ball over 3 times a game so the defense has to deal with that, too). The offense is also in the first half of the league in most major categories, except one really important one: PPG. They're 31st, ahead of only Jacksonville. It's kinda hard to blame the defense when you're not scoring any points yet still losing close.
Lay the blame elsewhere for your own failures.....end result will be the same imo

So you think Dabo shouldn't have fired Steele after giving up 70 points (look at your ----ing avatar bro) to WV?
He could've shown some more grace - there are several comments that can be construed as finger pointing at Groh on his way out the door. WTTE of 'Hey, I gave all of the defensive responsibility to that guy while I handled everything else' and then the specific comments about the complexity of the calls and terminology.

And this (CPJ blaming others) is no new revelation - he came in with the reputation. If I'm not mistaken, the infamous 'McDonalds' quote was in response to a question about CPJ throwing Navy players/asst coaches under the bus.

Since when do trolls qualify as reporters?

Reporter: Can I ask you something without making you mad?
Johnson: Maybe. I don't know.
Reporter: I was talking to a Navy fan and he said he follows the coverage and that he noticed something and I'm just going to put it to you. He says that it seems like when Navy loses you blame the players, i.e., we can't execute fundamental plays, but that the success of the team the last four years has been attributed to brilliant coaching. How do you respond to that?
Johnson: Whatever he thinks. I don't go down to McDonald's and start second-guessing his job so he ought to leave me alone.
Reporter: But do you feel like it can't be both ways?
Johnson: You know what? I could care less. I'm old enough where I could give a crap what the fans think or what you think to put it in a nutshell.
Reporter: Wins and losses are evenly distributed as far as credit and blame, right?
Johnson: If you could ever find one time that I said we won the game because of brilliant strategy I will kiss your butt at city dock and give you two days to draw a crowd. Find it and bring it to me. Tell that guy that if he wants to talk to me I live at [address given but deleted for the transcript] I will be right there. Come ring my doorbell and I will be glad to talk to him.</I>