Apologies from Georgia Southern

Message to StingTalk posters from TALONTalks's own MitchPike.

Originally Posted by Mitchell Kumpstein
All week long, I have sat back and watched as the back and forth took place. Oldfart taking the first shot, Tech fans firing back in numbers, TALON, VB, and others continuing to take jabs here and there... all the while missing the bigger picture. You see, there is 1 big misconception amongst you all that will shed a bright new light upon the happenings of this week. There is more to the story than meets the eye.


Yes my friends, this is, in fact, the truth. While most other schools in the country are well rounded, with men, women, jocks, greeks, sorority girls, band geeks, and even a few book worms, the simple fact is that Georgia Tech is a school for smart people. People so smart that they have zero interest in athletics of any kind. Not football, not basketball, not baseball, not soccer, not even quiddich. No my friends, you have all been duped. The truth is, Georgia Tech athletic fans are simply that, fans. People who dreamed of one day gracing the halls of higher learning located on North Ave. in downtown Atlanta, GA only to learn that their GPA, their SAT scores, their placement test scores, and even their IQs were not high enough. For some, this disappointment simply led them to lesser schools like Life University, Moorehead, or Georgia State. Yes my friends, the people on the other side of those screens are not graduates of Georgia Tech... they are wannabes. Imposters. Fakes. Individuals so ingrained with loser DNA that they pretend to have attended one of the finest universities in this country, yet still crying themselves to sleep at night holding a tear stained letter that reads "not accepted."

This Saturday, you will walk amongst these same phonies. They will be wearing white and gold. They will be singing Rambling Wreck. They will be cheering for "their" team. But deep inside they will know that they are holding on to an impossible dream. Be careful how you interact with them for they are extremely fragile. Their inner children yearning to lash out.

However, if you wish to interact with a true Georgia Tech man or woman, I direct you no farther than the library. For come noon this Saturday, when over 50,000 screaming fans watch the Eagles and the Jackets collide, the real GT students will be doing what they do best... studying.

And that my friends is the rest of the story. I'm Mitchell Kumpstein... Good day.

I'll post my diploma if you post your's

They are just trolling our beloved sidewalk fans. Since they can't talk Xs and Os they gotta stir the pot some other way.