Artificial Turf Returns?

The noon games in September will be brutal. Black rubber pellets are used to weigh down the turf, and that stuff absorbs the heat. I've been on it for some summer LAX tourneys and it truly is hot. Will be hot for both teams though.

It seems like a system to circulate some water under the turf would be a big help. It wouldn't have to be a/c, just water circulated under the field and then run through a cooling coil somewhere in the shade with a fan. They could even do a heat transfer system to warm the hot dogs in the concession area, LOL. If it hasn't already been invented, it would be a good project for engineers at GT.
It seems like a system to circulate some water under the turf would be a big help. It wouldn't have to be a/c, just water circulated under the field and then run through a cooling coil somewhere in the shade with a fan. They could even do a heat transfer system to warm the hot dogs in the concession area, LOL. If it hasn't already been invented, it would be a good project for engineers at GT.
We already have that system in place for recirculation of water. We don't water from the city water supply, iirc. We draw, treat, and store

Nevermind, misunderstood what you were saying about the water
I'd be curious to see what studies have been done to compare the new turf to grass fields when comparing the # of knee injuries from spikes caught in the grass/turf.
As for me? I'm too old to play so I don't have an opinion one way or the other. Hell, if it makes it easier to put a logo on the field that says "To Hell With Georgia", I'm ALL IN!

We had a turf field back in the 80's and it was fine even though it was pretty much directly on top of concrete, the way it felt. So I don't think it's as big of a deal as many on here seem to think it will be.

the turf we had in the 80’s and 90s was absolutely terrible. Combine with the turf shoes of the day and it was an ACL tearing monster.

while I still prefer grass, the new turf of today is much improved.
Artificial grass has come a long way since that terrible green carpet we had at BDS before O'Leary replaced it with natural grass. The modern turf fields are actually nice to play on and dont tear up knees or burn you like the carpet from the old days. People need to do some research and have an open mind about this.
It seems like a system to circulate some water under the turf would be a big help. It wouldn't have to be a/c, just water circulated under the field and then run through a cooling coil somewhere in the shade with a fan. They could even do a heat transfer system to warm the hot dogs in the concession area, LOL. If it hasn't already been invented, it would be a good project for engineers at GT.

You're at Georgia Tech. You can do that!
Life. Cycle. Costs. All factored in.
I suppose we'd just have to live with it for a decade until all these places decide artificial turf is bad for the environment. Then we rip it back out and install new natural grass again.

Come on AG schools. Develop a hearty grass that stands up to football.....

....and then you can take home and get stoned out of your mind smoking later. Where is Carl Spackler when you need him?
I think our natural turf is the best looking in CFB and will be highly disappointed if we go to field turf, but I can understand the decision. It looks like shit on TV, but if they do it like the turf in the Benz, that is very nice turf. It also is easily repainted. I would hope that we do it that way so that we can have different field color schemes like we did last year. I have heard this several places now so there is definitely some truth to it somewhere, and usually where there's smoke, there's fire. I've heard we want to get into hosting more events at BDS, and having field turf will allow that. I also heard that CGC wants to practice in BDS more often, and that isn't possible with the natural turf. It also wouldn't surprise me if we try to get the bid to host the high school playoffs as well if we end up with artificial turf.
If we have to give up the great natural turf we have now, I hope the new stuff is a lot better than what we had in the 70s. It was nasty. Reflected heat horribly - so hot, you could feel it through your shoes. The glare off the surface was annoying for spectators on a sunny day. And the turf was extremely abrasive. We played a pickup game of touch football one cold day when classes (finals, actually!) were postponed by an ice storm, and sliding on that turf flailed you alive.
All this I hear about the new field turf being so hot, would it help to cover it until 2-3 hrs prior to kickoff on the hot afternoon games to keep sun off it as much as possible, or does it heat up quickly?