Best QB to run the CPJ system?

...he looked to be on the same trend as Reggie Ball (Surprisingly impressive the first year, sadly disappointing the rest)....QUOTE]
Best QB at Tech to run PJ's system? I'd say JT. Speed, arm, guts. Tevin probably executed better but didn't have JT's physical capabilities. JT has turned chicken s--- into chicken salad on more than a couple plays. Yeah, last year, not so much.
Best QB to run PJ's system overall? Tracy Ham. Not. Even. Close. Watch the first Georgia Southern national championship games, from 1985 and 1986. Dude threw for 400 plus in the first one, then ran for 180 and threw for 306 in the second.
Best QB to never get a chance to run PJ's system? Frank Troup.
If Dwyer hadn't taken that one screen pass 90 yards, I shudder to think what that game would have looked like.

Only thing I remember about that game was the blocked field goal at the end. Everything leading up to that point has been erased from my memory.
Because two yards and a concussion = Calvin Booker

Not to knock the guy. He just wasn't an option QB.

You are right. Calvin Booker was definitely not an Option QB. Jaybo, however, took Southern to two straight semi-finals. So I'd say he did OK.
Don't thank me, thank the fine folks at the GTAA. They even added in a sweet musical backtrack to help accentuate how cool all of it was. They really are proud of their product.

Rightly so. It was a solid W.
You are right. Calvin Booker was definitely not an Option QB. Jaybo, however, took Southern to two straight semi-finals. So I'd say he did OK.

Yeah, that wasn't clear. I was talking about Booker.
Best QB to run PJ's system overall? Tracy Ham. Not. Even. Close. Watch the first Georgia Southern national championship games, from 1985 and 1986. Dude threw for 400 plus in the first one, then ran for 180 and threw for 306 in the second.

That's the correct answer. I've been hoping for our version of Tracy Ham - but it's not going to happen. It hit me when listening to CPJ on ESPN this week.....he admits when he was at Southern, they had talent comparable to or better than everyone they played. They could've run anything they wanted.

Even if Tracy Ham 2.0 shows up, his teammates are going to be (mostly) out-talented across the board. But Ham 2.0 with a decent Defense would probably win us a major bowl, and may get us in the CFP.
That's the correct answer. I've been hoping for our version of Tracy Ham - but it's not going to happen. It hit me when listening to CPJ on ESPN this week.....he admits when he was at Southern, they had talent comparable to or better than everyone they played. They could've run anything they wanted.

Even if Tracy Ham 2.0 shows up, his teammates are going to be (mostly) out-talented across the board. But Ham 2.0 with a decent Defense would probably win us a major bowl, and may get us in the CFP.

Lot of folks wanted Tracy at DB.
What Southern had a lot of when PJ was there was speed. Greg Hill, AP, Mark Myers, Bennie Cunningham, Zzream Walden (one of the best guys you'd ever meet), and then Chaz Williams could all just flat run.
Here's how good Frank Troup would have been (and Tech under O'Leary wanted him during his sophomore year). The story goes Tracy came down to watch film on him and was with Raymond Gross, who also won two titles at Southern and was Troup's position coach in high school. They get finished watching the film, the light in the coaches' office comes back on and Tracy says to Raymond:
"He's better than you and I ever thought about being."
Couldn't get him admitted into Southern.
And Justin Thomas is the best quarterback of CPJ era. Hands down the best thing to happen to us in QB department and better than any other quarterback we had since Goose.
So THIS! You and JF77 have nailed it, in a duh thread.