Bowls, CFP, and other Disappointing Games Thread

Well, who are we hating on now? Texas?

Texas, Ohio State, ND

You could also hate Penn State because their coach is a douche for being an enabler, but he is a significant upgrade over their other coach who was worse.
VPI without their starting QB and RB, heavy underdogs. One more ACC loss incoming?

4 points in first 7 minutes of the game. Minnesota just got the first first down of the game.
VPI coach gets a personal foul over a non-called PI. Didn’t seem like much of a PI, though.

What do you think will / should come of this?

A lot of ad revenue for this kid from his phony video based on a phony rule.

In 1977 Dan Devine ran up score to 69-14 over GT
this lead to the fish game the following year.
I hope Pedo State can defeat the irish by this score
As I believe CPJ has said "it was our job to stop them"

We've put 128 on NC State before. They got over it.

I'm gonna say "Go Irish" because it hurts the fee fees of the rest of CFB the most.