Bowls, CFP, and other Disappointing Games Thread

Agree. I don’t want Texas to win, but the ball was out before the knee was down.

I’ll allow the unsportsmanlike - he tried to play it off like he was signaling a first down, but he was pointing right at the guy he just threw down.

That dumbass @gt2690b will be along soon to insult you.
tOSU’s rumored $20+ million team vs ND. Doubt many picked ND. Interesting game for sure. 2 very good defenses.
Sankey getting remarks ready - will say the winner of OSU-ND should need to play Alabama for the title. Delighted to have two years in a row SEC is shut out of title game.
Get ready for the $25+ million Phil Knight Oregon team vs <insert team here> next year.
ND can’t win unless they can run the ball, and I don’t think they can run against OSU. I think the score will be similar to tonight.
They should have lined up under center on second down - fullback, tailback, TE in need to man TF up there. Sark got cutesy and it blew up.

You needed one damn yard.
If only he had a QB on his roster adding a modern dimension to his playbook…
I picked ND to best OSU for all the marbles.

Having said that, if I could change my pick to Ohio State, I would do it in a heartbeat.