Bowls today

Have you ever seen anything so gut-wrenching as Shreveport begging people through a commercial to come see them?
Have you ever seen anything so gut-wrenching as Shreveport begging people through a commercial to come see them?

The way it was delivered, I thought it was a live segment at first, which makes me think that it was recorded in one take. Two scenarios could result in that, either the mayor said "hey bowl people you only get 60 seconds of my time so make it work" or the bowl people said "hey mayor, you can only afford 60 seconds of our time so make it work". I'll decline to say which I consider more likely, to avoid hurting the feelings of powerful people.
The way it was delivered, I thought it was a live segment at first, which makes me think that it was recorded in one take. Two scenarios could result in that, either the mayor said "hey bowl people you only get 60 seconds of my time so make it work" or the bowl people said "hey mayor, you can only afford 60 seconds of our time so make it work". I'll decline to say which I consider more likely, to avoid hurting the feelings of powerful people.
Good call. In a month or two, once Isaac returns from his journey into town for supplies, they'll almost certainly have the means for repairing the community wagon. Those people will be mad as hornets at you and they'll be mobile.
And maybe I'm late to the party on this but I just realized why Doeren looks so familiar:

Belk: only white people get to throw the football. Sorry black people.
VPI is going to catch Arkansas off guard and send the state of North Carolina into chaos when, on the first play of the game, they call a HB Counter which self-identifies as a pass play.
Somebody explain to me why Marshawn Lynch is in a Vanderbilt uniform right now, and somehow I'm the only person who knows about it?
VPI is going to catch Arkansas off guard and send the state of North Carolina into chaos when, on the first play of the game, they call a HB Counter which self-identifies as a pass play.

Flag on the play.

"Giving Him the... errr Her ummm... It... the business"

:lol: I've never seen such a long punt return require so little effort from the ball carrier. That was embarrassing.
Down by two possessions with 10 minutes left in the game: "right back in it". That must be the beauty of the zone scheme or something.
They should give you a second point if your XP kick lands within 5 feet of a fan in these "nobody cares" bowls.

Independence University has just slapped the faces of Vanderbilt, NCST, and Shreveport and thrown the gauntlet to the ground. Mad disrespect. Mom's spaghetti.
Wow, that went from "why are you bringing that out" to TD really quick.
