Bury the hatchet?

Case and point:


I just observed "God modding" by DoubleB. DoubleB acts like a douchebag and slams this Tech journalist/former hive mod. This guy named "BurnAfterReading" comes on and called DoubleB out for being disrespectful in general to all of his GT blogging colleagues. DoubleB then insults this person's intelligence. BurnAfterReading attempts to fight back only to have all of his posts deleted and the thread locked.

DoubleB is a douchebag. period.


If anyone ever buried the hatchet and walked away, BB would sneak in at night and dig the damn thing back up again.

Also, this:
I like the way it works. Yes, the Hive is over-moderated, but that's also the site where our opponents/visitors go to the most. It does us well to keep the douche-biscuits in check there at the expense of frequent locking for mentioning a new coach or the President.

Stingtalk is less known and the place I go to for a more frank discussion of Tech stuff.

BBuzzoff is the drain that collects waste and keeps it off the other 2 boards.

I love BBuzzoff. It keeps the BeeBad Cultists off the Hive and Stingtalk.
HELL ****ING NO! I would gladly beat buzzoff to death with a ball bat if I could get away with it. Illegitimate pile of dog ****. I take pride in the fact that I don't recognize is as being legitimate. Sorry the OP has it's head up it's ass. Ask me if I take it up the ass next time you ****ing jerk.
BO is waaaay to "autocratic" and the Hive waaaaay to "status quo" (don't rock the boat even if its sinking) both have the "ostrich complex" (head in sand) when other views clash with their pre conceived "truths"

As opposed to here, where if the you have clashing views you're allowed to call the guy a ****ing moron and leave it at that(or drag it on for 10 pages) :biggthumpup:.
As opposed to here, where if the you have clashing views you're allowed to call the guy a ****ing moron and leave it at that(or drag it on for 10 pages) :biggthumpup:.
----exactly---can't be thin skined here--:biggthumpup:
HELL ****ING NO! I would gladly beat buzzoff to death with a ball bat if I could get away with it. Illegitimate pile of dog ****. I take pride in the fact that I don't recognize is as being legitimate. Sorry the OP has it's head up it's ass. Ask me if I take it up the ass next time you****ing jerk.
Hmmm.... and you claim someone else shows a lack of class while posting.... I do appreciate you taking the "high road." Is this the example you wish to portray as how to behave on a message board? And how is this profane display supposed to serve your claim that someone else is a classless jerk?

ps. please notice that I did not return your personal attack.
Hmmm.... and you claim someone else shows a lack of class while posting.... I do appreciate you taking the "high road." Is this the example you wish to portray as how to behave on a message board? And how is this profane display supposed to serve your claim that someone else is a classless jerk?

:laugher: Just shut up. You clearly know nothing about gnats - or this board, for that matter.
Hmmm.... and you claim someone else shows a lack of class while posting.... I do appreciate you taking the "high road." Is this the example you wish to portray as how to behave on a message board? And how is this profane display supposed to serve your claim that someone else is a classless jerk?
How is this for the high road : Double B can kiss my A**!!! he is an self absorbed sack of S**t!!! I would like to kick his stinking teeth in if he has any!!!! Hell yeah I would love to bury the hatchet[right up his smart A**]
How is this for the high road : Double B can kiss my A**!!! he is an self absorbed sack of S**t!!! I would like to kick his stinking teeth in if he has any!!!! Hell yeah I would love to bury the hatchet[right up his smart A**]

You guys aren't proving any better with these type of responses.
You guys aren't proving any better with these type of responses.
Who are you :


Why don't you go back to polishing Double B's Nads!!!!
I'm a GT fan. Thank you sir, may I have another.

And another example of how this world is experiencing a horrible, awful drought of trolling talent. I'm working on a documentary that I plan on shopping to History, Discovery and A&E detailing how a sharp decline in decent trolls occurred at the turn of the century and has continued to plummet ever since.

It genuinely saddens me.
And another example of how this world is experiencing a horrible, awful drought of trolling talent. I'm working on a documentary that I plan on shopping to History, Discovery and A&E detailing how a sharp decline in decent trolls occurred at the turn of the century and has continued to plummet ever since.

It genuinely saddens me.
If I'm a troll then I've been trolling for 4 years. After rereading this thread its clear to me there's a small, but highly vocal segment that disagrees with me, there a large segment that's indifferent, and there's a few that agree. Its about what I expected.

Btw, I'm not one who's easily offended on a message board. I couldn't care less if you insult me or not. I just find it humorous that those who want to accuse someone else of lack of class uses so little of it themselves.

The really funny thing is that if we all happened to be at the same sports bar during a GT game and GT just scored, we all be exchanging high fives and drinking beer together.
And another example of how this world is experiencing a horrible, awful drought of trolling talent. I'm working on a documentary that I plan on shopping to History, Discovery and A&E detailing how a sharp decline in decent trolls occurred at the turn of the century and has continued to plummet ever since.

It genuinely saddens me.
:laugher: and we have a winner!!!!!