Buttkicker with the probable game winner

I have no dog in this fight, but saying it was a borderline call of the refs shoulds have swalled their whistles is just stupid. Go re-watch the replay. Mahomes was so far out of bounds that he was past the white area on the sidelines when Ossai extended his arm and shoved him.

Not even his teammates or coaches were insinuating that it was borderline. One of them even yelled about how bad it was. So please. Stop with this borderline call / should have swallowed their whistle horse shit. You're embarrassing and discrediting yourself.
You are venturing into 1982Jacket territory of the game being fixed.
Were the odds before the game so ridicuous that there was even a thread here on it? Did the opposing team's leading scorer - one of the top scorers in the ACC - magically go 1 for 12? I'm not insinuating that the refs were involved at all. But there was one player going 1 for 12 in a game where Vegas favored his team in advance by six when they objectively should have been favored by at LEAST 12. They were BEGGING folks to lay the points and take Miami. And then, magically, Miami lost the game. Someone needs to check bank accounts.

I got paid on it, so I'm not complaining. And I have never in my life before even insinuated that a game was fixed or points were shaved (even though everyone knows it has happened). I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But give me a break - I live in Realville.
But give me a break - I live in Realville.

I mean, maybe you have a Realville mailing address, but...


(But FWIW, I do agree that the late hit call was legit. There's no situation where that doesn't get called. I almost kinda sorta buy Ossai's rationale that he was trying to force him to go out of bounds backwards so the clock wouldn't stop or whatever and he lost track of the situation, but still, man, you've got to not touch a QB in that situation.)

Were the odds before the game so ridicuous that there was even a thread here on it? Did the opposing team's leading scorer - one of the top scorers in the ACC - magically go 1 for 12? I'm not insinuating that the refs were involved at all. But there was one player going 1 for 12 in a game where Vegas favored his team in advance by six when they objectively should have been favored by at LEAST 12. They were BEGGING folks to lay the points and take Miami. And then, magically, Miami lost the game. Someone needs to check bank accounts.

I got paid on it, so I'm not complaining. And I have never in my life before even insinuated that a game was fixed or points were shaved (even though everyone knows it has happened). I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But give me a break - I live in Realville.
Looking at Miami’s statistics Wong only scored 7 points in their upset loss to Duke. All this really proves is that when Miami’s top scorer has a bad game they usually lose. I’m sure that’s true for all teams.
Looking at Miami’s statistics Wong only scored 7 points in their upset loss to Duke. All this really proves is that when Miami’s top scorer has a bad game they usually lose. I’m sure that’s true for all teams.

And Vegas somehow magically knew beforehand that Wong was not going to be able to throw the ball in the ocean? 1 for 11?? The two games before, and the two games after, he scored 24, 15, 22 and 25. :rotfl:

Miami was favored by six and a hook; power rankings say they actually should have been favored by about 18. A bunch of folks here spotted this well in advance. I rarely bet Tech basketball because: (1) I don't bet against the fellas; and (2) I hate to lose. But even I took the meager points because it smelled like the stinkiest week old fish I ever smelled. Just BEGGING folks to take the Canes and lay the points. But, yeah, just a ööööing coincidence. :facepalm:

And losing by two points to Duke is not even in the same ööööing universe as losing by six to a team that Duke beat by 43.

You're ööööing blind.
I have no dog in this fight, but saying it was a borderline call of the refs shoulds have swalled their whistles is just stupid. Go re-watch the replay. Mahomes was so far out of bounds that he was past the white area on the sidelines when Ossai extended his arm and shoved him.

Not even his teammates or coaches were insinuating that it was borderline. One of them even yelled about how bad it was. So please. Stop with this borderline call / should have swallowed their whistle horse öööö. You're embarrassing and discrediting yourself.

They should have swallowed their whistles
The late hit was a stupid play, but it was the right call. It was a series of earlier bad calls and replay decisions that made it feel like the NFL crew greatly favored the Chiefs.

And Vegas somehow magically knew beforehand that Wong was not going to be able to throw the ball in the ocean? 1 for 11?? The two games before, and the two games after, he scored 24, 15, 22 and 25. :rotfl:

Miami was favored by six and a hook; power rankings say they actually should have been favored by about 18. A bunch of folks here spotted this well in advance. I rarely bet Tech basketball because: (1) I don't bet against the fellas; and (2) I hate to lose. But even I took the meager points because it smelled like the stinkiest week old fish I ever smelled. Just BEGGING folks to take the Canes and lay the points. But, yeah, just a ööööing coincidence. :facepalm:

And losing by two points to Duke is not even in the same ööööing universe as losing by six to a team that Duke beat by 43.

You're ööööing blind.
Dafuq are you idiots talking about? This is about Buttkicker kicking butt.