Catchall öööö Geff Thread

i hope the tarholes lose every single game as long as the clown is employed there.
i'd wish for even more losses than that but could just be dissappointed again.
In my opinion, Geoff Collins' defense looked good last night. He had been a good defensive coordinator at Mississippi State and Florida, so I wasn't surprised. I don't wish anybody any bad luck, and I believe in giving credit to people when they do a good job.

Of course, I am glad that Brent Key is our coach. Tech really has a chance for a very special season. And it was Collins who brought Brent Key to Tech and kept him here when South Carolina or somebody wanted him. So, I even thank Collins for that.

I was surprised to see the UNC coach on the sideline holding a poster with a dollar mark on it and the words "Money Down" written on it. But, they played a good game.

All in all, it was good for the ACC and Tech for UNC to Beat Minnesota. It will help us if the teams we play are considered
good when we play them.

If we play good, I will be happy. What other teams do in games that don't affect Tech doesn't matter to me.

The big thing on my mind is Georgia State. I'm sure this is a bigger game to them than FSU was to us. If we lose this game, all the good we achieved by beating FSU will be down the drain. Tech has lost too many games like this in recent years. We've got to win games we're favored in to be taken seriously. Teams in Tech's position cannot afford to take ever one quarter off.

Go Jackets!
Do you even know what we do here?
Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.

It might be possible that Collins is a bad HC but great DC. I hope he learned from his time a GT. Tough break for UNC to lose the QB in game 1.
I hope his ööööing dog bites his nuts off.
This is utter nonsense. Everyone here could talk about him 24/7 and it would not change anything with respect to his existence or his "power" - he's completely unaware of anyone here or what they say. This sounds like new world meta type rubbish, I can smell the incense burning from here.
Dude, he is well aware of us and what we say.

Hell, you’re replying to him.
i hope the tarholes lose every single game as long as the clown is employed there.
i'd wish for even more losses than that but could just be dissappointed again.
I want the dollar to crash so he’s broke and not living higher off our money.

Too much?
This thread is too dead for the proximity of October 12th.

Lemme help get it back again. Hey: If you remove all their big plays, we did great as a defense!

Dude, he is well aware of us and what we say.
i wouldn't put it past that b---- to have a GA or some staffer go through Tech messageboards and see what they're still saying about him, two years after his ass got shown the f'in door.
We should celebrate every Sept. 26 as FFC Day.
Freedom From Clown Day.
I risked my Spotify algorithm on this, and it was worth it lol
i wouldn't put it past that b---- to have a GA or some staffer go through Tech messageboards and see what they're still saying about him, two years after his ass got shown the f'in door.
We should celebrate every Sept. 26 as FFC Day.
Freedom From Clown Day.
Better watch what you say, some nutless clown blower will report you to the banning authorities. Unbelievable.
Better watch what you say, some nutless clown blower will report you to the banning authorities. Unbelievable.
Can't believe they're would be anyone left to defend that POS, even two years in the rearview mirror, after his reign of error.

I tell other Tech fans and non-Tech fans Clown did something no one had done in a long time. He unified the fan base. Because at the end, everyone hated him.
Guess I know which lttle bitch was behind it now. GFY.
This thread is too dead for the proximity of October 12th.

Lemme help get it back again. Hey: If you remove all their big plays, we did great as a defense!

:lol: If Carolina fans are actually buying this öööö, the meltdown is going to be incredible when reality hits.
I will be glad when "explosives" falls byt he wayside.

It is like "hand in the dirt" was for a couple of years there.