Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

Now it's public knowledge they colluded to ban the ACC from the CFB playoffs. Here come the lawyers. Fsu is going to be suing, the only question is does the ACC generate a RICO lawsuit here and get damages for the whole conference or do they bend over and let Fsu run by themselves. I'm betting they bend over like the little bitches they are.
Uga fan page crying SEC bias after they got left out.

There are at least 3 possible organizations of the helmets where this could be claimed. For instance, they could be left to right, top to bottom in ranking order, which is probably the more natural order than top to bottom, left to right (excluding third row) if you knew in advance. There are 2^5=32 possible helmet organizations. So it's only like a 1 in 10 chance. There are a lot of 1 in 10 coincidences out there one could start a conspiracy theory over.
I have noticed this all week. The majority of college football fans, including the majority of SEC fans, are all calling foul on this. This may be the only thing that a majority of all fans can seem to agree with.
I've said it elsewhere but I'll say it again. Going by the committee's stated logic it makes no sense to have FSU 5 and gaggers 6. FSU shouldn't be on the board; with Ohio State, Oregon, and likely others ahead of them.
I have noticed this all week. The majority of college football fans, including the majority of SEC fans, are all calling foul on this. This may be the only thing that a majority of all fans can seem to agree with.

The saving grace for those in charge is that the 12 team expansion minimizes this so there probably won't be any action as a result as this specific thing won't happen again. The bad news is that the same people are in charge, they got away with one and will only become more emboldened to do other stupid things in the future that we haven't even yet considered. I'd much rather some heads roll, even if only to set some sort of precedent, instead the rich get richer is probably how it works out long term.
The saving grace for those in charge is that the 12 team expansion minimizes this so there probably won't be any action as a result as this specific thing won't happen again. The bad news is that the same people are in charge, they got away with one and will only become more emboldened to do other stupid things in the future that we haven't even yet considered. I'd much rather some heads roll, even if only to set some sort of precedent, instead the rich get richer is probably how it works out long term.
The same people will continue to choose their top 4, who will all get bye's in the first round. Nothing will change. It should be an 8-team or 16-team playoff.
The saving grace for those in charge is that the 12 team expansion minimizes this so there probably won't be any action as a result as this specific thing won't happen again. The bad news is that the same people are in charge, they got away with one and will only become more emboldened to do other stupid things in the future that we haven't even yet considered. I'd much rather some heads roll, even if only to set some sort of precedent, instead the rich get richer is probably how it works out long term.
yea, they'll stack the top with SEC/B1G and then 8-12 will be the bottom feeders from second-tier P5 schools and G5 at the very bottom. Schools will still get screwed
I saw a hypothetical 12 team bracket the other day. Only two teams that were not currently or in the future a Big10 or SEC member.