Catchall Stadium Bitching Thread


Varsity Lurker
Oct 12, 2009
I’m hearing there were lots of problems with overly aggressive security people in the block seating sections. I don’t know if it’s a function of the construction going on, but they were definitely preventing people from going from the east stands, across the north end zone, to try and get to the west side. I saw a lot of upset people and it seemed like things were getting tense. Also, the water hydration stations in upper east were completely shut off. Even though it was night, it was still hot and humid. I texted to the customer service number and got NO response. Surely they can do better.

On the positive side, I thought there was good energy in the stadium from the band and students, and the audio/visual/music was better coordinated with the band. On the PA - Ryan Cameron was just a bit tongue tied for the pregame tribute to Homer Rice, but I thought he did a great job on the play by play. I think he’ll be an excellent fit going forward. The Sheamus thing was also great - overall I think the Athletic Association is doing some cool stuff that portrays us in a very good light to recruits.
I’m hearing there were lots of problems with overly aggressive security people in the block seating sections. I don’t know if it’s a function of the construction going on, but they were definitely preventing people from going from the east stands, across the north end zone, to try and get to the west side. I saw a lot of upset people and it seemed like things were getting tense. Also, the water hydration stations in upper east were completely shut off. Even though it was night, it was still hot and humid. I texted to the customer service number and got NO response. Surely they can do better.

On the positive side, I thought there was good energy in the stadium from the band and students, and the audio/visual/music was better coordinated with the band. On the PA - Ryan Cameron was just a bit tongue tied for the pregame tribute to Homer Rice, but I thought he did a great job on the play by play. I think he’ll be an excellent fit going forward. The Sheamus thing was also great - overall I think the Athletic Association is doing some cool stuff that portrays us in a very good light to recruits.
I didn’t have any problems at all.
We have cheap seats in the upper north, and everyone was forced through gate 6 and the only option up was the elevator. Lines were long, and to me it made no sense to force people up the elevator. Gate 7, the normal gate was basically for students only. That would be nice to improve.
Wireless and cell service continues to be non-existent. After all these seasons sitting in the middle of the freaking city at one of the most prominent technology schools in the world, and you would think we could use our damn phones for once.
Wireless and cell service continues to be non-existent. After all these seasons sitting in the middle of the freaking city at one of the most prominent technology schools in the world, and you would think we could use our damn phones for once.
That has also been a problem for me historically but oddly enough I had good service in upper east tonight.
My T-Mobile was fine

My stinger seats were installed one seat over. Supposed to be 17, 18, 19, 20. Installed on 18, 19, 20, 21. Dumbasses.

Concessions didn't know what the hell a loyalty card was or if it should scan or whatever. Didn't work. No discount. Solid ööööing F, GT

Someone liked the new announcer. I didn't. Maybe he will grow on me. He missed calling some of our players on plays. 87 didn't even get an acknowledgement on one catch.

Why even have a band anymore. 90% of the game was some blaring (old man here) auto tuned öööö which was lifted from some other 80's or 90's artist. What in the hell happened to make these little piece of öööö squirts to want to listen to a singer so auto tuned that it sounded like Minnie Mouse inhaling helium?

And damn, I know our AV gets loud. Thanks for assaulting us with it incessantly.

So why doesn't the wreck make a full lap of the field anymore? öööö. Just retire it and the band. We can be just like a boring ass Falcons game

I did like the video board improvements, with stats on the upper boards of the South.

And having pregame on North Avenue sucks. There is nothing there.
I’m hearing there were lots of problems with overly aggressive security people in the block seating sections. I don’t know if it’s a function of the construction going on, but they were definitely preventing people from going from the east stands, across the north end zone, to try and get to the west side. I saw a lot of upset people and it seemed like things were getting tense. Also, the water hydration stations in upper east were completely shut off. Even though it was night, it was still hot and humid. I texted to the customer service number and got NO response. Surely they can do better.

On the positive side, I thought there was good energy in the stadium from the band and students, and the audio/visual/music was better coordinated with the band. On the PA - Ryan Cameron was just a bit tongue tied for the pregame tribute to Homer Rice, but I thought he did a great job on the play by play. I think he’ll be an excellent fit going forward. The Sheamus thing was also great - overall I think the Athletic Association is doing some cool stuff that portrays us in a very good light to recruits.
Construction trailers and security vehicles blocking North Stands Entry/ Egress. So Gate 5 was a mess. Too many people-too few lanes.
My T-Mobile was fine

My stinger seats were installed one seat over. Supposed to be 17, 18, 19, 20. Installed on 18, 19, 20, 21. Dumbasses.

Concessions didn't know what the hell a loyalty card was or if it should scan or whatever. Didn't work. No discount. Solid ööööing F, GT

Someone liked the new announcer. I didn't. Maybe he will grow on me. He missed calling some of our players on plays. 87 didn't even get an acknowledgement on one catch.

Why even have a band anymore. 90% of the game was some blaring (old man here) auto tuned öööö which was lifted from some other 80's or 90's artist. What in the hell happened to make these little piece of öööö squirts to want to listen to a singer so auto tuned that it sounded like Minnie Mouse inhaling helium?

And damn, I know our AV gets loud. Thanks for assaulting us with it incessantly.

So why doesn't the wreck make a full lap of the field anymore? öööö. Just retire it and the band. We can be just like a boring ass Falcons game

I did like the video board improvements, with stats on the upper boards of the South.

And having pregame on North Avenue sucks. There is nothing there.
Gtfo. Get a new gig. Your whining is too much. You're a pansy
Gate 3 line took 40 minutes to get through. They had 1 ticket scanner; and the security folks made me take my belt off like I was going through TSA.

North endzone entry looked like the 2nd Circle of Hell at 7 PM.

Audio is generally too loud; and drowns out the band.
Can someone tell me why GT has to use those horrible "Event Staff" outfit?

Was it some government mandate or something? GT did just fine with volunteers and the Boy Scouts with tickets and ushering for 95 years at BDS.

We have cheap seats in the upper north, and everyone was forced through gate 6 and the only option up was the elevator. Lines were long, and to me it made no sense to force people up the elevator. Gate 7, the normal gate was basically for students only. That would be nice to improve.
After I was rejected at gate 6 they said 4 or 5 would work. Gate 5 was fine but it would have been much faster to go through gate 6.
Fix the PA system. Turn the volume öööö down. Everyone around us was complaining.

When you can't talk to the person next to you because of how annoyingly loud a PA is, something needs to be done. I have been to see hundreds, maybe thousands, of concerts and shows since the 1970's. I don't recall ever complaining, but this morning, my ears are ringing like I've been to a rock concert last night.

The person in charge of AV needs to either:
1) calm it down
2) get fired.
The construction area looks awful and really screws up the flow on the north and east sides of the stadium. Unavoidable, I guess, but I’ll be glad when it’s done. Also hope they move the band and some pregame stuff back to that side of the stadium when it’s done - I’m never going to have any interest in going over to North Ave.

Security and ticket scanning were understaffed and the scanners weren’t working great - some people just gave up and walked in without scanning tickets because nobody was watching or helping.

The line to get into the Club seats was massive and slow, totally bottlenecking the already crowded lower east concourse.

I heard a few people inside the stadium getting directed to walk all the way around the stadium to get from East to North. The people behind us just gave up and sat in some empty seats in our section.

Ryan Cameron on PA was OK but not great. He needs to talk a little slower and louder on the routine announcements of players and stuff. Not sure I like the “it’s third down” thing or the air raid siren we were playing with it.

The scoreboards looked good, other than when we screwed up and put the flag graphic up across a different video during the anthem. Using team logos for the scores looks good, but some of the lesser-known ones were hard to read from across the stadium.

I could do with a little less of the audio-visual assault of the flashing stadium lights and constant PA music. Let the band do something!

The white out actually looked pretty good in the north and west from what I could see, as did the crowd. I was surprised it was only 40K, but I can’t see UE and it sounds like it’s the emptiest part of the stadium. That’s too bad - it used to be the place to be.
