Cavman goes full SJW

Also - how long until we have to take down the statue of one Robert Lee Dodd? That's part of the endgame for these Leftists, right?
What about Stone Mountain? Will it have to be sandblasted clean?
You guys really want to be angry. This place is starting to look like a typical UGA message board redneck fest. Apparently both ESPN and Robert Lee thought it would be a good idea to avoid the inevitable internet LOLz and memes that would happen if Robert Lee were to cover the game in Charlottesville, considering unanticipated current events. I can see the logic there, at least. I see the logic because I dont give a shit about whether a monument or flag stays or goes. I'm not angry. If I had to choose a flag design, I'd actually choose the confederate flag over the union flag because it looks cool. Symbols are whatever you make them so öööö all you trolls who try to troll me (successfully) on this board.
Just remeber that they gave Kaitlin Jenner a trophy for cutting his **** off!
Not that I follow these things... but my understanding is that Bruce Jenner never confirmed having his penis surgically removed.
You guys really want to be angry. This place is starting to look like a typical UGA message board redneck fest. Apparently both ESPN and Robert Lee thought it would be a good idea to avoid the inevitable internet LOLz and memes that would happen if Robert Lee were to cover the game in Charlottesville, considering unanticipated current events. I can see the logic there, at least. I see the logic because I dont give a öööö about whether a monument or flag stays or goes. I'm not angry. If I had to choose a flag design, I'd actually choose the confederate flag over the union flag because it looks cool. Symbols are whatever you make them so öööö all you trolls who try to troll me (successfully) on this board.
Well, they're going to get the memes and LOLs anyways.
You guys really want to be angry. This place is starting to look like a typical UGA message board redneck fest. Apparently both ESPN and Robert Lee thought it would be a good idea to avoid the inevitable internet LOLz and memes that would happen if Robert Lee were to cover the game in Charlottesville, considering unanticipated current events. I can see the logic there, at least. I see the logic because I dont give a öööö about whether a monument or flag stays or goes. I'm not angry. If I had to choose a flag design, I'd actually choose the confederate flag over the union flag because it looks cool. Symbols are whatever you make them so öööö all you trolls who try to troll me (successfully) on this board.

You do know the once reliable snopes got sold and is no longer a trusted source. That's probably why snopes *debunks* that Robert Lee "got fired from ESPN" because of his name when that isn't what the hoopla is even about.
This is just more fodder for people on the right who are sick of political correctness. The problem is there is a subset of such people who will lump serious/dangerous racism and sexism in with this overzealous political correctness.
You do know the once reliable snopes got sold and is no longer a trusted source. That's probably why snopes *debunks* that Robert Lee "got fired from ESPN" because of his name when that isn't what the hoopla is even about.
Hmm thanks for that info. Never knew that about snopes. I generally dont trust any single source of info on the internet these days anyway. I miss the old days when politics weren't even part of sports and we could all just LOL at Athens together.