Wrong again. Here's the definition of blocking, from the rules (section 2-3): "Blocking is obstructing an opponent by intentionally contacting him with any part of the blocker’s body." The rule does NOT say: "Blocking is obstructing the opponent one is aiming for by intentionally contacting him with any part of the blocker’s body."
If the rules were written like this, hardly anything would be a foul. The PI we had called for us wouldn't be a foul, since the VT DB didn't intend to play through the receiver. Here, GT55 obviously initiates high, and is disengaging, but that doesn't matter for a chop block (9-1-10). GT52 blocks low, but he whiffs his block by launching willy-nilly and hits GT55's man below the knees.
I thought the game wasn't officiated particularly well. The PCO had his head up his ass the whole game, there was blatant OPI on one of VT's fourth down conversions, the non-measurement on the overturned 1st down was bad, and the FJ missed the clear DPI against VT (fortunately, the BJ bailed him out). But especially at the HS level (I'm not a college official), safety rules are becoming a 'when in doubt, throw the flag' situation. There's no way the official gets dinged for making this call- it was a dangerous play, and within both the letter and spirit of the rules as a chop block.